To receive a report of the Chief Planning Officer which details an Outline application for residential development on land off Church Lane, Micklefield.
The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report which detailed an outline application for residential development on land off Church Lane, Micklefield.
Site photographs and plans were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application. Members had also attended a site visit prior to discussion of the item.
Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:
The Panel then heard from Councillor Crossley, Chairman of Micklefield
Parish Council, who objected to the proposals. Information put forward
Members discussed the provision for doctors surgeries in Micklefield and noted that currently the surgery was a “satellite” and not a permanent fixture but that if the development were to be approved the NHS would consider a permanent surgery.
Members also considered the type of landscaping that would be appropriate to ensure views of the countryside were retained.
The Panel then heard from Jonathan Dunbavin from ID Planning, agent for the applicant who noted the request for spaced landscaping and agreed to work with officers to ensure this is achieved.
Mr Dunbavin confirmed that third party land was available to purchase to allow for the straightening of the bend on Church Lane but that it would require the co-operation of all developers to pay for this work.
In response to Members comments and questions, the following was discussed:
Members stressed the importance of co-ordination between the schemes proposed in Micklefield which would ideally help improve the chances for apprenticeships.
RESOLVED – The Panel resolved to
Defer and delegate approval to the Chief Planning Officer in order to finalise the conditions and S106 agreement as set out in the submitted report.
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