The report of the West North West Area Leader to provide an update for Members on the projects funded through the Inner West Wellbeing Fund and Youth Activities Fund budgets. The report also asks Members to approve the application process for bids to the 2017/18 Wellbeing budget.
(Report attached)
The West North West Area Leader submitted a report which updated the Members on the projects funded through the Inner West Wellbeing fund and Youth Activities Fund budgets.
Members heard that since March 2016, the Committee had awarded grants totalling £116,314 to 33 projects following an application round. The list of projects funded so far in 2016/17 was presented at Appendix 1 of the submitted report.
Members were advised of the remaining balances for each ward as set out at point 2 of the submitted report
Members were informed of 2 applications approved by delegated decision;
· Hollybush Roundhouse - £4,000
· West Leeds Credit Union - £1,200
Members were asked to consider three new grant applications for Armley:
· Poplars Fencing Scheme - £2,557
· Armley Junction Café - £1,000
· Gotts Park Golf Club - £11,764
Cllr. J McKenna explained the refurbishment to Gotts Park Mansion to the Committee and the importance of keeping this Grade II listed building open.
Members discussed the use of Section 106 money and requested a report to the next meeting from Parks and Countryside to include Section 106 spending.
Members were advised that all Wellbeing money needed to be committed by end of March, Members were asked to contact Communities Team if they wished any projects to be considered.
Members were asked to provide £1,000 per ward to top up the Small grants and skips fund to enable further applications to be submitted to the end of the financial year.
Members heard that since April fifteen projects had been funded at a total cost of £55,842 these were listed at appendix 2 of the submitted report. Members were informed of the continuation of the Woodbridges Youth Club approved by delegated decision for £5,938. Members were also advised of the Youth Activities Fund balances as set out at point 35 of the submitted report.
Members were asked to approve the method by which Wellbeing grants are approved for 2017/18. It was proposed that the application round would follow the same process as previous years with applications invited between 28th October 2016 and 13th January 2017, for approvals at the March Community Committee meeting. Members noted that the grant application round would also include bids to the Youth Activities Fund.
RESOLVED – That the Committee resolved to:
a) Note the balance of the Wellbeing budget for 2016/17
b) Note the projects approved by delegated decision listed at 4 and 5 of the submitted report
c) Consider the new 2016/17 projects listed at 7- 9 of the submitted report
· Poplars Fencing Scheme – To be deferred for more information to be sought for Armley Members.
· Armley Junction Café - £1,000 - Approved
· Gotts Park Golf Club - £11, 764 – Capital Fund - Approved
d) Consider whether any funding should be earmarked against the projects in development listed at 11-17 of the submitted report
e) Approve a top up to the small grants and skips budget at 29 of the submitted report
f) Note the balance of the Capital Fund at 30 of the submitted report
g) Note the balance of the Youth Activities Fund at 33 of the submitted report
h) Approve the application process for the 2017/18 financial year at 35 of the submitted report
Cllr. Yeadon left the meeting at 8:05 during this item. Prior to Cllr. Yeadon leaving the Chair congratulated her being nominated for Councillor of the Year. The Inner West Community Committee wished her luck.
Cllr. Venner left the meeting at 8:15 at the end if this item.
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