Agenda item

Applications 16/05575/FU & 16/05576/ADV - Pool Bridge Filling Station, Pool Road, Pool

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for redevelopment of petrol filling station.



The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented applications for the redevelopment of a petrol filling station comprising new sales building and canopy, new underground fuel storage tank and replacement underground petrol interceptor tank, five metre high tank vent stack, replacement refuelling forecourt, islands and dispensers, replacement resurfacing, retention of existing fuel storage tanks and two illuminated signs at Pool Bridge Filling Station, Pool Road, Pool in Wharfedale.


Members attended a site visit prior to the meeting and site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion on this application.


Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:


·  All existing buildings on the site would be demolished.

·  A larger shop building would be built oon the site.

·  The new canopy for the filling station would be higher to allow HGV access.

·  The filling station currently only had 5 filling spaces.  This caused tailbacks on to the road network and was the main reason for the application.

·  The new shop building would be made from natural stone and would have male and female toilets.

·  In terms of impact on residential amenity, it was reported that the nearest residential properties were at least 30 metres away.

·  It was proposed to include further conditions in relation to access, signage, landscaping and hours of illumination.


A local Ward Councillor and a local Parish Councillor spoke in objection to the application.  Issues raised included the following:


·  The applications should be refused on highways grounds – the current situation with access caused chaos and the new plans woud not improve this.

·  There would be increased usage due to the larger shop and provision of ATM machine.

·  The height of the canopy and illuminated signage would not be in fitting with the conservation area.

·  The proposals were likely to increase queueing traffic in an air quality zone.

·  There was a record of road traffic accidents in the area.

·  There had not been any consultation with Local Ward or Parish Councillors.

·  Pool Village was already subject to heavy traffic flow.

·  It was felt that there was no need for a refurbishment and the proposals were to suit commercial needs.


The applicant’s representative addressed the Panel.  The following was highlighted:


·  The applicant would support the additional conditions suggested.

·  The layout of the filling station required modernising and improving.

·  The current layout which only allowed 5 vehicles to refuel at any time was causing tailbacks to the road network.

·  The new layout would allow the integration of HGV vehicles to refuel alongside others.

·  There would be improved shop facilities with designated parking.

·  It had agreed that the canopy would not be illuminated.

·  There had been discussions with highways officers regarding access/egress to the site and the new layout wouod provide significant improvements.

·  In response to questions from Members, it was reported that there had not been any consultation with local Ward Councillors of the Parish Council.


Members expressed concern regarding the lack of consultation with Ward Councillors and the Parish Council and it was suggested that the application be deferred for this to happen.


RESOLVED – That the application be deferred to allow for consultation with Local Ward Members and Pool in Wharfedale Paris Council.



Supporting documents: