The report of the Interim Chief Officer, Leeds Health Partnerships provides Outer West Community Committee with an overview of the emerging Leeds Plan and the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs). It sets out the background, context and the relationship between the Leeds and West Yorkshire plans. It also highlights some of the key areas that will be addressed within the Leeds Plan which will add further detail to the strategic priorities set out in the recently refreshed Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2016 – 2021.
(Report attached)
The report of the Interim Chief Officer, Leeds Health Partnerships provided the Outer West Community Committee with an overview of the emerging Leeds Plan and the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STP’s)
The report set out the background, context and the relationship between Leeds and West Yorkshire plans. It also highlighted some of the key areas that will be addressed within the Leeds Plan which will add further detail to the strategic priorities set out in the recently refreshed Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2016-2021.
Paul Bollom, Interim Chief Officer, Leeds Health Partnerships, and Dr John Keene, Pudsey Locality GP presented the report to the Committee.
Members were informed of the following points:
· The Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2016-2021 sets out 12 Priorities
· The Strategy aims to feed into the West Yorkshire and Harrogate STP and provide a delivery plan for citywide health and care ambitions in Leeds
· The Leeds Plan has four main themes underpinned by a commitment to culture change built on ‘working with’ people wherever possible in all aspects of their health and care. These themes are:
o Prevention
o Self –management, proactive and planned care
o Optimising the use of secondary care resources and facilities
o Urgent care/rapid response in times of crisis
· Three gaps that need addressing are:
o Health and wellbeing
o Care and quality
o Finance and efficiency
Members were informed that life expectancy for men and women remains significantly worse in Leeds than the national average with;
· Cardiovascular disease mortality significantly worse than for England
· Cancer mortality worse than rest of Yorkshire and Humber with deaths from cancer being the single largest cause of avoidable potential years of life lost (PYLL)
· PYLL from cancer was twice the level in the deprived Leeds quintile than in Leeds non-deprived
· Suicides had increased
Members were advised of NHS Constitutional key performance indicators that had been identified as areas to focus on to reduce the care and quality gaps these included the following:
· Mental Health
· Patient satisfaction
· Quality of life
· A&E and ambulance response times
· Delayed transfer of care
· Hospital admissions rates
· Recruiting and retaining staff
· Access to services and out of hours service
Members were also informed of the financial and efficiency issues facing the health services in Leeds.
Dr Keene spoke to the Community Committee providing information in relation to the Outer West area including:
· Life expectancy from birth
· Under 75’s mortality rates with cardiovascular disease.
· Under 75’s mortality rates with cancer
· Increase in suicides
Dr Keene explained that many of the issues were in relation to life style such as obesity, smoking or lack of exercise. He also said that people are living longer with illnesses which require more care this was affecting the services provided and required. He said the service was struggling with a reduced workforce and that this would be intensified over the next five years.
Dr Keene said that primary care needed improving, with more community care needed and that there was a greater need for the key integration services such as social care support, carers support and third agency support.
The Chair gave permission for Dominique Dunand-Clarke and Beverley Brogen of Pudsey Wellbeing Centre who had been invited to the meeting to join the discussions.
The Members of the Community Committee discussed the following points:
· Integrated services using key support services
· Financial and resource pressures on the NHS
· Self-Management, using support centres, pharmacies and digital technology
· Education in relation to illnesses such as diabetes
· People Empowerment Project (PEP)
· Working in partnership with the third sector
· New models of care including the pilot scheme at Armley
· Better communication between all health care professionals and charities
· Types of care offered for health issues such as obesity
· Financial pressures on the third sector
Tim Taylor – Health and Wellbeing Improvement Manager attended the meeting and informed the Committee of his involvement with the pilot scheme at Armley for the new models of working. He said that he had been impressed with the way all the GP’s, health care support services, and third sector agencies had started to communicate with each other and were now working together.
The Chair thanked Dr Keene, Dominique Dunand-Clarke and Beverley Brogen of Pudsey Wellbeing Centre and officers for their attendance at the Committee. He said that the subject had provided a good discussion.
The Members requested that they be kept updated.
RESOLVED – That the Outer West Community Committee:
· Note the key areas of focus for the Leeds Plan described in the submitted report and how they will contribute to the delivery of the Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy;
· Identify needs and opportunities within their area that will inform and shape the development of the Leeds Plan;
· Recommend the most effective ways/opportunities the Leeds Plan development and delivery team can engage with citizens, groups and other stakeholders within their area to shape and support delivery of the Leeds Plan.
Councillor Amanda Carter left the meeting during this item.
Councillor R Lewis arrived during this item.
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