The report of Interim Chief Officer, Leeds Health Partnerships provides Inner West Community Committee with an overview of the emerging Leeds Plan and the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs)
(Report attached)
The report of the Interim Chief Officer, Leeds Health Partnerships provided the Inner West Community Committee with an overview of the emerging Leeds Plan and the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STP’s)
Cllr. Lowe, Inner West Community Committee Health and Wellbeing Champion introduced this item. Cllr. Lowe informed the Members that the STP was a Government driven tool to deliver a 5 year forward view of health and social care services. She went on to say ‘new model of care’ was a local solution to local problems.
Cllr. Lowe explained that the country was divided into 44 areas with regional STP’s known as ‘Footprint’s’. Leeds was part of West Yorkshire and Harrogate ‘Footprint’, this in turn relates to the Leeds Local Plan which had been informed by the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
Cllr. Lowe advised the Committee that the Local Plan informed the Council and its partners of the demographics of specific areas.
Chief Executive of NHS Leeds West CCG, Phyl Corrigan presented this item with Interim Chief Officer Leeds Health Partnerships, Paul Bollom.
Members were informed of the following points:
· The Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2016-2021 sets out 12 Priorities
· The Strategy aims to feed into the West Yorkshire and Harrogate STP and provide a delivery plan for citywide health and care ambitions in Leeds
· The Leeds Plan has four main themes underpinned by a commitment to culture change built on ‘working with’ people wherever possible in all aspects of their health and care. These themes are:
o Prevention
o Self –management, proactive and planned care
o Optimising the use of secondary care resources and facilities
o Urgent care/rapid response in times of crisis
· Three gaps that need addressing are:
o Health and wellbeing
o Care and quality
o Finance and efficiency
Members were informed that life expectancy for men and women remains significantly worse in West Leeds than the national average with;
· Cardiovascular disease mortality significantly worse than for England
· Cancer mortality worse than rest of Yorkshire and Humber with deaths from cancer being the single largest cause of avoidable potential years of life lost (PYLL)
· PYLL from cancer was twice the level in the deprived Leeds quintile than in Leeds non-deprived
· Suicides had increased specifically in inner areas of the city and there was a real need to look at the underlying issues to address change.
Members were informed that lifestyle change was key to preventing early mortality and long term illness. It was noted that some long term illnesses were not through lifestyle choices and that this should be recognised.
Members were also informed of the financial and efficiency issues facing the health services in Leeds.
The STP’s and the Leeds Local Plan were the way to drive change working in partnership with communities using the experiences of the people that use the services.
This item was linked to Item 10 – New Models of Care. The Community Committee had asked questions throughout the presentation and lengthy discussion in relation to both items took place at the end of the presentation of Item 10.
RESOLVED – That the Inner West Community Committee:
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