To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an outline application for residential development (Use Class 3) for up to 100 dwellings and land reserved for primary school with construction of vehicular access from Otley Road.
With reference to the meeting of 23rd March 2017 and the decision to defer consideration of the application to allow further discussions regarding the relationship of the school playing field, potential fencing arrangements and the impact on the existing church.
The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report which attempted to provide clarity around the playing pitch location, the height and design of the fence and the impact on the church and conservation area (As detailed in paragraphs 10.32 – 10.40 of the submitted report)
Supplementary information was circulated on behalf of two local Ward Councillors which provided a revised summary of their objections.
It was reported that 10 letters of objection had been received concerned that the application was recommended for approval given the close proximity to the listed church.
Historic England had also objected to the application suggesting that no development should take place east of the Beck because this would erode both rural character and openness of the fields closest to the church.
Further issues highlighted in relation the application included the following:
· The proposal was an outline application for residential development for up to 100 dwellings and land reserved for a primary school with the principle of development
· The main access for the proposal would be on Otley Road to the north of the site the entrance to Kingsley Avenue
· The application site was designated as a Protected Area of Search (PAS) in the UDP
The Panel heard from Councillor B Anderson, local Ward Councillor and Mr I Bond, a local resident, both who objected to the application and spoke on the following issues:
· Was the principle of the development satisfactory
· Why should local objections be ignored
· Did the provision of a primary school on the site meet the needs of the City
· Local residents supported the views of Historic England in that rural character and openness would be eroded
· Concern were raised about traffic safety on the Otley Road (A660)
· School provision was required in the area but not necessarily in this location
· Concerns were raised about the impact on the listed church
· The proposal did not accord with a semi-rural setting
The Panel then heard from Mr M Johnson, applicant’s representative, who spoke on the following issues:
· The application was in accordance with Policy N34, supply of houses, there was no 5 year land supply in Leeds.
· No significant or demonstrable harm would be caused to the area as a result of the application
· Historic England’s most recent letter objected to the fence and hedge
· 35% Affordable Housing
In response to questions and comments from the Panel, the following were discussed:
· Clarification was sought on Historic England’s objection, there was a view expressed that the objection referred to the whole of the site, not only to the fence and hedge
· What weight should be given to the Adel Neighbourhood Plan
· Concern was expressed about the impact on the church and conservation area
In responding Officers reported that two letters of objection had been received from Historic England. The issues raised in the first letter had been addressed, it was the issues referred to in the second i.e. the fence and hedge that remained the subject of the objection. With regard to the weight given to the Adel Neighbourhood Plan, it was reported that the Plan was still at the Draft Stage and no weight should be attributed to it until it was at the referendum stage. Addressing the reference to the impact on the church and conservation area, it was the view of officers that given the proposed development would be in excess of 100m from the church and mitigated by a hedge, it was considered that the development was not harmful with the rural setting being preserved.
(i) That the application be deferred and delegated to the Chief Planning Officer for approval subject to the conditions specified in the submitted report (with an amendment to condition no.14 to state “no vehicles of OGV2 or larger allowed”) and following the completion of a Section 106 Agreement to include the following obligations:
· Financial contribution towards improvement works at Church Lane/ Farrar Lane/ Otley Road junction of £100,000 prior to the occupation of the 50th dwelling
· Sustainable Travel Fund of £481.25 per unit
· Travel Plan Monitoring Fund
· Bus Stop contribution (£20,000)
· On site provision of greenspace and maintenance
· Affordable Housing at 35%
· Land to be reserved for school
In the event of the Section 106 Agreement not having been completed within 3 months of the panel resolution to grant planning permission, final determination be delegated to the Chief Planning Officer
(ii) That two additional informatives be added to any planning permission issued to the effect that:
· The illustrative layout submitted is not an acceptable form of development as it does currently not comply with guidance set out within Neighbourhoods for Living and have sufficient regard to the character of Adel
· The layout of the development submitted as part of the Reserved Matter application should include roads/road of a width suitable to accommodate parking for parents dropping off and collecting children from the proposed school
Supporting documents: