Agenda item

Application 16/07987/OT - Pitty Close Farm, Wakefield Road, Drighlington, BD11 1DH

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an outline planning application for the residential development of up to 208 dwellings and associated works with all matters reserved save for access from King Street.


The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an outline planning application (all matters reserved except for means of access to, but not within the site) for the residential development of up to 208 dwellings and associated works on land at Pitty Close Farm, Wakefield Road, Drighlington.


Members visited the site prior to the meeting and site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.


Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:


·  Members were asked to consider the principle of development and means of access.

·  There would be a singular access to the site via King Street.

·  Objections had been received from local residents, Ward Councillors and the local MP.  There had also been a petition against the proposed development.  Objections included impact on infrastructure, loss of greenbelt land and highways impacts.

·  The site had been identified as a Phase 3 housing site in the Site Allocation Plan.

·  A pedestrian crossing would be funded by the applicant for access to the site.

·  There was not capacity in local Primary Schools but could be in the wider area.  CIL requirements may be need for the necessary provision.

·  The application was supported by a flood risk assessment.  Flood risk would be managed on site with a detenuation basin.

·  Public rights of way affected by the proposals would be considered at the reserved matters stage.

·  It was considered that any adverse impacts caused by the proposals were not of enough significance to prevent bringing the site forward for housing.  There would be provision for affordable housing and a full CIL contribution.

·  It was recommended that the application be approved.


A local Parish Councillor addressed the Panel with concerns and objections to the application.  These included the following:


·  The proposals would have an enormous impact on amenity and existing services,

·  There were not enough school places.

·  There was not enough capacity in local GP surgeries and dentists.

·  Drainage could not cope at present and local water courses had been contaminated with sewage.

·  The village became gridlocked with traffic whenever there were problems on the local motorway network.

·  Drighlington should remain a village and not be joined up to Gildersome.  These proposals would account for a 10% increase in the size of the village.

·  The site was currently used by local people for walking and horse riding.



The applicant’s representative addressed the Panel and answered questions from Members.  The following was discussed:


·  The site had been safeguarded for development since 2001.

·  The applicant was willing to make CIL contributions in respect of school places.

·  A building rates of 40 houses per year was hoped to be achieved although this could be affected by market forces.


In response to comments and questions from the Panel, the following was discussed:


·  It was recognised that the existing sewers could not cope with heavy rainfall and this had been reported to Yorkshire Water.  This site would not use the same sewerage system and would not exacerbate existing problems.

·  The Environment Agency had been contacted regarding the existing flooding/sewerage problems.  Concern was expressed that further action had not been taken.

·  School places – options that could be considered included temporary expansion for bulge cohorts.  There were currently no plans to expand the nearby schools.  There was a responsibility of the Council to ensure that reasonable school places could be offered.

·  There would be opportunity for community involvement at the Reserved Matters stage.

·  Concerns regarding to the overall sustainability when proposals for the adjoining site were also taken into consideration.


RESOLVED – That the application be deferred and delegated to the Chief Planning Officer for approval subject to conditions to cover those matters outlined below (and any others which he might consider appropriate) and the completion of a S106 agreement to secure the following:


i.  Affordable Housing – 15% (with a 60% social rent and 40% submarket split)

ii.  A contribution of £100,000 to Flood Risk Management to construct an outlet from Lumb Wood Pond.

iii.  Public open space on site of the sixe to comply with Core Strategy Policy G4

iv.  Provision of a Sustainable Travel Fund of £88,407

v.  £40,000 for two new bus stops with Real Live Information.

vi.  Travel Plan Review fee of £2,650.


In the circumstances where the S106 has not been completed within 3 months of the resolution to grant planning permission, the final determination of the application shall be delegated to the Chief Planning Officer.


In addition condition 37 (coal workings) to be amended to include details of scheme of remedial works and implementation of those works.


Additional conditions in respect of:


·  The establishment of a community liaison group.

·  Details of rights of way across the site to be submitted.


Officers in conjunction with the Chair to write Yorkshire Water/Environment Agency to draw attention to the Panel concerns about issues reported by local residents concerning surcharging of, and flooding of local properties by, foul sewerage.



Supporting documents: