Agenda item

17/00017/FU - Change of use and alterations of financial and professional services (A2) to form non-residential institution (D1), at Avenue Crescent, Chapeltown, LS8 4HD

To consider the report of the Chief Planning Officer on an application for the change of use and alterations of financial and professional services (A2) to form non-residential institution (D1) at 31 Avenue Crescent, Chapeltown,  LS8 4HD.


(Report attached)


The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report which sets out details of an application for the change of use and alterations of financial and professional services (A2) to form non-residential institution (D1) at 31 Avenue Crescent, Chapeltown, Leeds, LS8 4HD


Site photographs and plans were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.


The Presenting Officer addressed the Panel, speaking in detail about the proposal and highlighted the following:


·  The application proposed the change of use and alterations from financial and professional services (A2) to form non-residential institution (D1).

·  The property was proposed to be used by the Greek Orthodox Church as a Greek School. The school offered education on the Greek language and culture as well as the Greek Orthodox Christian religion.

·  The only external alteration was to the rear elevation (ground floor only) which would be the conversion of a window to a door and a door to a window. Otherwise, the overall external appearance would not be altered by this proposal and would retain the appearance of a dwelling.

·  The application related to an existing end terraced property which was located on the junction of Avenue Crescent and Hilton Place. To the north of the site are garages and to the south of the site the property faces the garages of properties that front Harehills Avenue.

·  The terrace of properties continues to the west and a row of terraced properties exist on the opposite side of Hilton Place facing the application site.

·  The site was also located in close proximity to the existing Greek Orthodox Church (to which this proposal relates), which is to the south west on the opposite side of Avenue Crescent.

·  The existing property is constructed from brick with a two storey white render bay windows and the roof type is gabled with rooms in the roofspace. The property has a single storey side extension and a lean-to at the rear.

·  At present the classes are carried out in portable buildings which are adjacent to the grade II listed building (Greek Orthodox Church). There is a Compliance case currently ongoing which relates to the portable buildings. The temporary consent expired on 3rd June 2017. This proposal seeks to replace the school function of those portable buildings and so ensure their removal.


The Panel received representation from Mr K Withall who was speaking against the proposal. Mr Withall informed Panel that there was a negative effect on the residential amenity of homes in the area. The proposal removed a property from residential use in a residential area, affecting the character of the area. There were numerous community buildings in this area and the level of noise and disruption day and night was already unacceptable. It was suggested that the proposed use was too excessive, the school would operate six days per week, including some evenings and with a church service taking place on Sundays. Mr Withall suggested that no consultation had taken place with local residents. Pavement parking was an issue leading to access difficulties for local residents, although this had been reported to the highway authority, no action had been taken.


Questioned about the response of the highway authority to pavement parking, Mr Withall informed Panel that pavement parking in this area was not considered to be a priority. 


The Panel also heard from Mr B Paschali, the applicant, who spoke in support of the application. Mr Paschali informed Panel that the Greek Orthodox Church had operated a school from this site for the past 55 years, furthermore, a school had operated from this site for the past 114 years. It was suggested the school was a stepping stone for community cohesion. Currently 55 pupils were taught in poor quality Portacabins, the proposal was to transfer the school from the Portacabins to the terrace property. The wooden Portacabins would be removed from the site once the transfer had been completed.


In response to Members questions, the following were discussed:


·  What were the hours of operation

·  Had comments been received from local ward Councillors

·  Had the highway issues been properly addressed

·  Could a locked metal gate be provided to the Avenue Crescent frontage


In responding to the issues raised, Officers together with the applicant provided the following responses: The hours of operation would be 4.30pm – 8.00pm weeknights and 9.30am – 5.30pm on Saturdays; comments had been received from ward Councillors back in January; a further look at the highway issues may be required and the applicant confirmed that a locked metal gate could be provided to the avenue Crescent frontage


In summing up the Chair suggested Members appeared to be supportive of the application subject to the highway issues being addressed.


RESOLVED – That the application be deferred and delegated to the Chief Planning Officer for approval subject to the conditions specified in the submitted report and following the receipt of a revised plan confirming details of a locked metal gate to the Avenue Crescent Frontage.

Supporting documents: