Agenda item

Application to vary a premises licence held by Hessian Cafe, 466 Roundhay Road, Leeds, LS8 2HU

To receive and consider the attached report of the Head of Elections, Licensing and Registration.



The report of the Head of Elections, Licensing and Registration presented an application to vary a Premises Licence held at Hessian Café, 466 Roundhay Road, Leeds.


The following were in attendance:


·  Mr W Pugh – Applicant

·  Mr J Taylor-Jones – Local resident/neighbour

·  Ms C Ohm – Local resident/neighbour

·  Ms C Brennand – Entertainment Licensing


The Sub-Committee was informed that the application was to vary conditions to the existing licence which would reduce the number of covers at the premises to 30 and also remove the condition that alcohol should only be sold to accompany food.  The application had attracted the attention of a responsible authority in Environmental Health and also other persons. 


The Sub-Committee was given a brief history of the operation of the licence at the premises which included an enforcement issue following reports of noise disturbance on the open evening.  The applicant had at the time apologised and stated that this had been a private party. A subsequent licensing visit had highlighted the need for the amendments to the conditions that this application had been made for.


The applicant addressed the Sub-Committee.  The following was highlighted:


·  The number of covers on the current license had been over estimated and it was sought to reduce these in agreement with Entertainment Licensing.

·  The premises were predominantly food led.  There was no intention to move to a bar style operation.

·  The applicant had now complied with all requirements of planning and environmental health.

·  The request to sell alcohol unaccompanied by food was due to complaints from customers who could not have a drink while waiting and a loss of custom.


Mr Taylor-Jones addressed the Sub-Committee with concerns to the application.  Both his business and residential premises were adjacent and there had been instances of noise disturbance.  This was mainly from the moving of furniture but voices from the restaurant could be heard two stories up in his residential property. Ha also queried whether there would be conditions regarding soundproofing and measures to soundproof the property.


It was reported that a soundproofing assessment had been carried out at the property and soundproofing work was due to commence.


In response to comments and questions from the Sub-Committee, the following was discussed:


·  Environmental Health were satisfied that on completion of soundproofing works there would not be a noise nuisance from the premises.

·  The reduction in covers was requested following advice from Entertainment Licensing.

·  The premises was mainly booking led but did get occasional walk in customers.  Alcohol on sale was not cheap and did not appeal to large groups of drinkers.

·  The soundproofing was due to be installed by 19th October 2017.


The Licensing Sub-Committee carefully considered the report of the Head of Elections, Licensing and Registration, the Statement of Licensing Policy and the representations mad at the hearing.


RESOLVED – That the application be approved as applied for subject to the following:


·  That hours of operation reflect those as agreed with Planning.

·  That soundproofing works are carried out within 14 days of the hearing.



Supporting documents: