Agenda item

Leeds Safeguarding Children Board Annual Report (2017/18): Evaluating the Effectiveness of Safeguarding Arrangements in Leeds

To consider the report of the Independent Chair of the Leeds Safeguarding Children Partnership presenting the key findings from the Leeds Safeguarding Children’s Board Annual Report (2017/18).



The Independent Chair of the Leeds’ Safeguarding Children Partnership submitted a report which presented the key findings from the Partnership’s Annual Report for 2017/18.


The Board welcomed Dr. Mark Peel, Independent Chair of the Leeds Safeguarding Children Partnership, who was in attendance at the meeting in order to introduce the key points of the annual report and to highlight key priorities.


Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board noted the view of the Independent Chair when considering the effectiveness of the procedures in place to exchange information between Leeds and other Local Authorities / agencies when dealing with cases which crossed the Local Authority’s boundary, who confirmed that he believed that robust processes were in place.


Also in response to a Member’s enquiry regarding the capacity in Leeds to deal with continuing and emerging issues around the protection of children and young people, the Independent Chair advised that he did not detect any negative impact in the safeguarding provision in Leeds as a result of the resource being provided to Kirklees Council, as part of the Partners in Practice programme.  Further to this, the Director of Children and Families advised the Board that a period of 3 years had been identified for Leeds’ involvement in Kirklees which included a tapering of support, and it was also highlighted that agreement had now been reached with the Department for Education (DfE) for Kirklees to look to recruit their own Director of Children’s Services. It was also noted that Leeds was in regular contact with the DfE on such matters.


Following a specific request, the Independent Chair undertook that the Partnership would carry out a piece of work around the ‘Early Help’ strategy in respect of those children and families who required support, with it being highlighted that although demand for such support was high, a number of schools in the city were withdrawing support for Clusters, through which a number of related services were focussed.  It was noted that the outcomes from that piece of work would be provided to Board Members as appropriate, with it also being suggested that it may be appropriate to raise this matter with the Department for Education.


In conclusion, the Chair paid tribute to the vital work of the Leeds Safeguarding Children’s Partnership.



(a)  That the contents of the submitted cover report together with the contents of the appended Leeds Safeguarding Children Partnership Annual Report (2017-18) be noted, together with the identified safeguarding priorities for the city, as detailed within the Annual Report;


(b)  That the Leeds Safeguarding Children Partnership be requested to carry out a piece of work around the ‘Early Help’ strategy in respect of those children and families who required support, with it being highlighted that although demand for such support was high, a number of schools in the city were withdrawing support for Clusters, through which a number of related services were focussed, with the outcomes from that piece of work being provided to Board Members as appropriate.




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