Agenda item

APPLICATION No.17/00307/FU - Demolition of existing buildings, development of 241 dwellings and provision of open space, landscaping and drainage works at the former Stocks Blocks site, off Ninelands Lane, Garforth. Leeds 25

To consider a report by the Chief Planning Officer which sets out details of an application which seeks the demolition of existing buildings, development of 241 dwellings and provision of open space, landscaping and drainage works at the former Stocks Blocks site, off Ninelands Lane, Garforth. Leeds 25



(Report attached)



Steve Butler , Head of Development Planning moved away from the meeting during this item. Minute 53 refers


The report of the Chief Planning Officer requested the consideration of the Panel on an application for the demolition of existing building, development of 241 dwellings and provision of open space, landscaping and drainage works at the former Stocks Blocks site, off Ninelands Lane, Garforth.


The application was brought to Plans Panel at the request of Ward Councillors M Dobson and S Field who had raised objections regarding the development’s impact on existing flooding problems, traffic congestion and that local schools were already at capacity.


Members had visited the site earlier in the day, plans and photographs were displayed throughout the presentation.


Members were advised of 4 vehicle access points 3 direct from Ninelands Lane and 1 from Green Lane. It was noted the access from Green Lane would only serve a small number of houses / flats with no vehicular access provided to the remainder of the site. It was noted that this area backs onto Hazel Mews a recent development, officers were satisfied that the proposed development was an acceptable distance away from the properties on Hazel Mews.


The Panel heard that a central greenspace would have surface water storage tanks below. The second area of greenspace was shown to the south of the site and would comprise of trees and vegetation. Both areas would have footpaths and cycle ways running through them. Members were advised that in relation to condition 21 set out in the submitted report the potential need to move the requirement relating to off-site footpath improvements into S106. Officers were to investigate further and would pursue the best option.


Members noted that existing poplars along the eastern boundary would be retrained with many of the site’s trees now a subject of a new Tree Preservation Order (TPO)


Members were informed that objections from 282 local residents / interested parties including Garforth Flood Group and the Local Labour Branch had been received. The issues raised were set out at point 6.3 of the submitted report. It was also noted that 4 letters of support had been received with the main points set out at point 6.4 of the submitted report. Members were also advised that a further 8 objections had been received restating the same concerns and drawing attention to the option of linking the 3 Aberford Road junctions by signals not being pursued, that speed cushions don’t work and an Average Speed Control Enforcement was needed.


It was noted that Ninelands Lane was a connector route for the area and that proposals had been made to alleviate highway issues with:

·  Traffic calming measures;

·  Additional Zebra Crossing;

·  Additional bus stops and shelter;

·  Improvements to Selby Road junction; and

·  Improvements to Lidgett Lane.


The Panel heard that the development comprised of a mix of detached, semi-detached and short terraces all fronting the streets with rear gardens backing onto other rear gardens. Members were informed that the units would be of traditional design and that there would be no distinction between affordable and non-affordable. It was noted that 36 units were identified as affordable units with:-

·  14 x2 bed houses;

·  13 x 3 bed houses;

·  3 x 1 bed flats

·  6 x 2 bed flats


Members were advised that drainage issues including surface water had been covered in the submitted report.


Members were provided with an update on the CIL contribution which was confirmed as £898,475.51 assuming full social housing relief was applied for, otherwise the contribution would be £995,699.54.


Ward Councillor Mark Dobson, Michael Shaw - Resident of Hazel Mews, and Jacqueline Simpson of Garforth Flood Group were at the meeting and informed the Panel of their concerns which included:

·  Flooding in Garforth has been on going issue, this development would increase the issue;

·  Capacity of the schools in Garforth at both primary and secondary level;

·  Sewage problems within Garforth already unable to cope with raw sewage running along roads during heavy rainfall;

·  The trees and vegetation at the north end of the proposed site provide a good green space for local residents;

·  Traffic congestion along Ninelands Lane.


Members heard that consultation had taken place in relation to the new development however, no assurance had been given on how the issue of flooding and specifically that of sewage would be addressed.


Ms Simpson explained to Members that Garforth was made up of a clay base and therefore balancing ponds would not address the issue of green-field run-off, Garforth needed water tanks or new pipework similar to the work undertaken in Rothwell.


Jonathan Dunbavin the agent and two colleagues Mr Morley and Mr Phillips were present at the meeting to answer questions from the Panel.


Members were informed that the trees and vegetation to the rear of Hazel Mews needed to be removed due to fly ash contamination. Mr Dunbavin said that there would be a landscaped buffer between Hazel Mews and the development which would be made up of trees and vegetation.


Members heard that the development would provide opportunity to make improvements to green-field run-off therefore reducing the risk of flooding. Members were provided with figures in relation to estimated foul flows from the new development. The Panel also heard that Yorkshire Water had given permission to connect to the sewage system. It was noted that CCTV surveys had been undertaken at the site and that no blockages had been found.


Members were informed of that traffic movements would be reduced due to the reduction of deliveries which had taken place at the Stocks Blocks site.


Members were informed that an in depth assessment of the traffic issues had been undertaken with Council Officers and had been verified as correct.


Officers from Flood Risk Management and Children’s Services were at the meeting for this item to answer questions from the Panel.


Members discussed at length the following points:

·  Green-field run-off;

·  Drainage and sewage issues in Garforth and the impact of a new development

·  Capacity of schools in the area

·  Traffic improvements in the area of Ninelands Lane


Members could see the positives of the development including:

·  Use of a brownfield site

·  Design of dwellings was traditional

·  Reasonable mix of housing types

·  Affordable housing ‘pepper-potted’ around site

·  Green space and signed cycle route


RESOLVED – To defer for more information to be gathered from Yorkshire Water in relation to the capacity of the drainage and sewage system and its ability to cope with the demands of the proposed development and for more information on flooding issues.



Supporting documents: