Agenda item

Application 17/02312/RM - Land off Breary Lane East, Bramhope, Leeds

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding a reserved matters application for residential development of 319 dwellings, a convenience store and public open space.



The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented a reserved matters application for 319 dwellings, a convenience store and public open space.


Members visited the site prior to the meeting and site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.


Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:


·  Outline planning permission was granted following an appeal. Members were now asked to consider means of access as well as layout, appearance, scale and landscaping.

·  Access – there would not be access from Breary Lane.  There would be a new roundabout off the A660 which would give access to the site.

·  Location of the convenience store and play area.

·  Reserved area for a school development.

·  Landscaping plan for the site.

·  Siting of affordable housing units.

·  Examples of house styles and materials to be used.

·  Vast majority of the dwellings met Neighbourhood for Living guidance.

·  An objection from Woodland Trust regarding the size of the buffer between the site and woodland.  There had not been any concern from the Council’s Ecology team regarding this and it was felt that there was adequate fencing and space between.

·  Additional concerns that had been raised by Ward Members.

·  There would be an additional condition to remove permitted development rights for the conversion of garages.


Local Ward Councillors addressed the Panel with concerns and objections to the application.  These included the following:


·  The proposed development was close to the greenbelt, woodland and conservation area.  It would be preferred to have larger buffer areas between.

·  There was no current access through Spring Wood and this should remain the same.

·  Trees and bushes at the duck pond should be retained.

·  There had not been a response from Highways with regard to concerns about the proposed roundabout arrangements and road widths.

·  No mention of vehicle charging points.

·  Maintenance arrangements for the buffer zone.

·  Infrastructure concerns, particularly if future plans for a new school do not come forward.

·  In response to questions, the following was discussed:

o  The roundabouts would be too close to each other and lead to queued up traffic.  There would also be a cumulative effect due to other developments and there needed to be further discussion with highways.

o  Preferences to have another pond on the site than an underground water retention tank; house styles to be of the same style of those on the periphery of the site and have affordable housing aimed at older people.


The applicant’s representative addressed the Panel.  The following issues were highlighted:


·  The site had outline planning permission for up to 80 dwellings.

·  Access to the site was considered to be acceptable by Highways.

·  All dwellings on the site would have off road parking.

·  The proposed layout of the site was formulated to respect the conservation area.

·  Open space exceeded minimum levels and Spring Wood would be maintained and managed.

·  The scheme was policy compliant with the provision of 35% affordable housing and would generate contributions of £3.3 million through the Community Infrastructure Levy.


In response to comments and questions, the following was discussed:


·  Here would be no objection to the shop being finished in a rendered style.

·  The style of design reflected that of Bramhope and the conservation area.

·  Highways did not consider rat running to be a problem with the development.

·  The applicant would be happy for bus shelters to match existing shelters in the village and construct a dry stone wall adjacent to the A660.

·  There was insufficient space on site for a second pond.

·  An appropriate planting and landscaping scheme would be used.

·  Provision of play area and associated car parking and whether this was required.

·  Windows and doors would be UPVC.

·  Access arrangements were explained in further detail and alternatives that had been explored.  This also included capacity for future development.  There had been discussions with the Parish Council and Ward Councillors.

·  It was suggested that the application be deferred for approval but subject to further consultation with Ward Members.


RESOLVED - That approval of the reserved matters (means of access, siting of the buildings, external appearance and scale of the buildings and the landscaping) application be deferred and delegated to officers in consultation with Ward Members, subject to further discussions concerning means of access and associated highways issues.



Supporting documents: