Agenda item

Supporting the development of a systems approach to physical activity in Leeds.

To receive a report from the Head of Governance and Scrutiny Support in relation to the Board’s continued work in supporting the development of a systems approach to physical activity in Leeds.


The Head of Governance and Scrutiny Support submitted a report in relation to the Board’s continued work in supporting the development of a systems approach to physical activity in Leeds.


The following information was appended to the report:


-  Key impacts of an active lifestyle to physical and mental health and wellbeing.


The following were in attendance:


-  Councillor James Lewis, Deputy Leader of the Council and Executive Member for Resources and Strategy

-  Tom Riordan, Chief Executive of Leeds City Council

-  Martin Farrington, Director of City Development

-  Cluny Macpherson, Chief Officer (Culture and Sport)

-  Mark Allman, Head of Sport and Active Lifestyles

-  Anna Frearson, Chief Officer (Consultant in Public Health).


The Head of Sport and Active Lifestyles provided a PowerPoint presentation briefly reminding the Board of the key benefits of developing a whole systems approach to physical activity as well as the main challenges and key ‘asks’ in terms of support needs to help achieve this vision, which were summarised as follows:


-  To make being physically active a Best Council Plan priority or obsession

-  Support development of a new integrated city strategy for Physical Activity

-  Commit to enabling a physically active LCC workforce

-  Local elected members to help lead a social movement in their communities


The key areas of discussion were:


·  The development of a city wide “Move More Leeds” type campaign in recognition that physical activity is wider than just sport.

·  The need to recruit a Chair and Board members of a new strategic body with oversight of the new strategy and campaign, which could potentially supersede the Sport Leeds Board as currently constituted.

·  A suggestion that relevant officers be invited to attend Community Committee meetings to promote the health benefits of physical activity.

·  The challenges utilising privately owned facilities for community use.

·  The role of ward members in building on approaches to physical activity in their communities and particularly in identifying assets and capabilities for physical activity within communities.

·  Development of a LCC physical activity policy including, for example, design of future office space, targeted support programmes for staff, developing a culture where being active is the norm in the LCC workplace, advocacy role with other employers in the city.

·  A recognised need to consider how physical activity can be embedded into the built environment; through informed and continued planning policy and supplementary guidance and with any recommendations and best practice reported to and considered by Planning Board.

·  Improving connectively across the city and particularly between smaller villages to enable and encourage more active travel and lifestyles.

·  Particular issues were raised in relation to non-registration of public rights of way and the role and resource capacity of the existing public rights of way team to be able to address this issue quickly.

·  A recognised need for all young people to build a habit of being physically active and for this to be recognised as a key priority within the new children's and young people plan.




(a)  That the issues raised as part of the Board’s work into supporting the development of a systems approach to physical activity in Leeds, be noted.

(b)  That the Board receives a further update later in the municipal year, with particular reference to the development of a new strategic body that could potentially supersede the Sport Leeds Board as currently constituted.


(Councillor M Robinson left the meeting at 11.15am during the consideration of this item.)


Supporting documents: