To consider a report by the Chief Planning Officer which sets out details of a pre-application presentation for outline proposal ‘City Reach 2’ – mixed use scheme comprising private sector residential and private rented sector (PRS) residential with ancillary ground floor ‘active’ uses, small scale retailing, café/restaurants, bars at site south of Kirkstall Road fronting the River Aire (former First Bus depot site) and proposed amendments to outline permission for neighbouring ‘City Reach 1’ site, approval ref. 15/06844/OT.
(Report attached
The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report which sets out details of a
pre-application proposal for outline proposals for “City Reach 2” – mixed use scheme comprising private sector residential and private rented sector (PRS) residential with ancillary ground floor active uses, small scale retailing, café/restaurants, bars at site south of Kirkstall Road fronting the River Aire (Former First Bus Depot site) and proposed amendments to outline permission for neighbouring “City Reach 1” site, Approval Reference No. 15/06844/OT
Site photographs and plans were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.
The applicant’s representatives addressed the Panel, speaking in detail about the proposal and highlighted the following:
· The proposals comprises of two applications across the City Reach 1 (CR1) and City Reach 2 (CR2) sites: 1. CR1 Reserved Matters Application (RMA), submitted pursuant to the extant outline planning permission reference 15/06844/OT; 2. CR2 Hybrid Application, comprising a detailed (full) application for a small area of landscaped surface-level car parking, and an outline application for residential-led development on the remainder of the site.
· The resultant scheme includes 526 residential units and 309 student units split as follows:
· Block A: 309 student units, to be provided as 93% cluster flats and 7% studios. The building would extend to 11 and 12 storeys in height.
· Block B: 128 PRS units in a building extending to 7 and 9 storeys.
· Block C: 111 PRS units in a building of 5 and 8 storeys.
· Block D: 105 PFS units in a building extending to 5 and 9 storeys.
· Block E: 182 PFS units in a building extending to 7 and 9 storeys.
· The proposals would be set around a landscaped public realm that maximises access to, and enjoyment of, the river frontage through the provision of considerable public open space and a river park. 210 car parking spaces would be provided within the site at street level.
· The CR2 site is seen as a continuation of CR1, and the design approach has addressed the two sites comprehensively as a result.
A hybrid application is proposed to progress CR2 through the planning process. A small surface level car park in the north-east of the CR2 site and provides for 42 car parking spaces to meet the parking requirements of the CR1 development (and align with the above mentioned ratios). The area will be heavily landscape focussed, with an emphasis on the use of trees and softer materials to create shared spaces.
· An outline planning permission is sought for the remainder of the CR2 site to comprise a residential-led development of four blocks. The four buildings would sit two to the north and two to the south of the continuation of the east-west route from the CR1 site. These would then be separated by a northsouth oriented linear park that assumes central positon within the site and provides a continuous and green pedestrian connection from Kirkstall Road through to the River Aire, mirroring that proposed within the CR1 site.
· The CR2 site would be served by 252 surface level car parking spaces ensuring a consistent parking ratio with CR1. Supporting commercial uses would be provided at ground floor to generate activity and interest. An appropriate quantum of cycle parking (both resident and visitor) will be provided and is subject to further discussions with officers.
· A single point of vehicular access/egress would be provided on Kirkstall Road to City Reach 2 meaning that in total there would be only two points of access from Kirkstall Rd to the combined City Reach 1 and 2 sites.
In response to Members questions, the following were raised:
· The layout of the development created an east/west spine, would there be wind implications as a consequence
· There appeared to be a large area for surface parking, could more basement parking be created
· What were the build out rates
· Had any of the businesses on site been given any assistance with relocating
· Were there any issues around contaminated land
· Would the proposed development lead to increased congestion on Kirkstall Road
· Was there adequate school provision in the area
· In terms of sustainability were green roofs and photovoltaic cells being considered
· How would the greenspace be maintained
· Was there a lighting scheme planned for the development
· Were the applicants aware of proposals for FAS 2 works (Flood Alleviation Scheme) along the north bank of the river Aire
In responding to the issues raised, the applicant’s representatives said:
· The applicants confirmed that a wind survey would be undertaken as part of the detailed work
· It was reported that customer perception suggested that basement parking was a concern within a flood zone. It was also considered the surface parking allows the spaces to be “re-purposed” if they are not needed in the future
· City Reach 1 would be developed as a single phase with a completion date of summer 2020, City Reach 2 would then begin
· It was reported that the applicants were in dialogue with the existing tenants, all were located on the City Reach 2 site and therefore they have plenty of notice to relocate
· In terms of contaminated land, a ground survey was ongoing and remedial works would be undertaken if required
· Access arrangements onto Kirkstall Road were appropriate and included a second access point further along Kirkstall Road (Left turn). The applicant confirmed that they did not anticipate further congestion issues along Kirkstall Road
· In terms of school provision for the area, officers from the Children & Families Directorate suggested that evidence to date indicates that flatted development in the city centre generates less school aged children and therefore it is likely that the proposal would result in an off-site contribution to enable expansion of capacity in exiting schools rather the need for an additional school on site. The details were being discussed with planning officers and the applicant.
· On the issue of sustainability the applicant confirmed that it was their intention that the development complies with Core Strategy policies EN1 and EN2 and that green roofs and photovoltaic cells would be included within the scheme.
· It was confirmed the client would maintain and manage the site including the maintenance of the greenspace
· It was confirmed a lighting scheme would be included within the development
· The applicant reported that they had reduced the level of the ground within CR2 to enable parts of the river frontage open-space to flood
In offering comments Members raised the following issues:
· With respect to phase 1, could consideration be given to a slight repositioning of block D to provide a 20m flood zone
· Could consideration be given to the provision of segregated cycle-ways along Kirkstall Road
In drawing the discussion to a conclusion Members provided the following feedback;
· Members were supportive of the proposed uses on the site but a further understanding of school provision in the area was required
· Members were supportive of the emerging scale and design of development for City Reach 1 and 2
· Members were supportive of the emerging approach to public space and landscaping provision on the site but further information about the surface car parking provision was required
(Councillor Nash required it to be recorded that the request to reconsider the re-siting of the development blocks to provide a 20m flood zone also applied to City Reach Phase 2)
In summing up the Chair said Members appeared to be generally supportive of the development but further consideration was required on a number of issues
(i) To note the details contained in the pre-application presentation
(ii) That the developers be thanked for their attendance and presentation
Supporting documents: