Agenda item

Application 17/06427/FU - Former site of West Park Centre, Spen Lane, West Park, Leeds

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer which presents an application for 50 dwellings with associated access, highway and landscaping.



The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for 50 dwellings with associated access, highway and landscaping at the former site of the West Park Centre, Spen Lane, West Park, Leeds.


Members visited the site prior to the meeting and site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.


Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:


·  The site abutted the West Park Conservation Area.

·  The existing vehicular access point would be closed with a new entrance to be formed off Spen Lane.

·  Most properties would have at least two off road parking spaces.

·  Affordable housing units would be spread throughout the site.

·  The majority of properties would be 2 storey with a small block of 2.5 storey properties.

·  Representations had been made from local Ward Councillors due to highway safety concerns and access to the site.

·  The site was brownfield and had been allocated for housing in the Site Allocation Plan.

·  The application was recommended for approval.


A local Ward Councillor addressed the Panel with concerns and objections to the application.  These included the following:


·  The area suffered from congestion during peak traffic times.  This caused rat running through other streets.

·  Following public consultation there had been a preference to have access to the site from the southern boundary.  The applicant had claimed this was not possible due to the location of water mains although Yorkshire Water had stated that this would not be a problem.

·  The plans submitted were not adequate.  There should be more public consultation to provide a better scheme for the site.


The applicant’s representatives addressed the Panel.  Issues highlighted included the following:


·  A traffic survey had been carried out on Spen Lane.  This development would generate less than two vehicles per minute during peak traffic periods. 

·  There were other issues that prevented an access to the southern part of the site including siting of electrical facilities and land ownership issues.


In response to comments and questions, the following was discussed:


·  The proposed access arrangements had been assessed by Highways and were felt to be suitable.  To create an access from the Butcher Hill roundabout would potentially reduce safety there.

·  Concern regarding houses falling below national space standards.  It was reported that the few that didn’t were only just below guidelines. 

·  Ward Councillors had expressed a desire for a new children’s play area to be funded from off-site greenspace contributions.

·  The applicant would make arrangements for maintenance of on-site greenspace.  It was requested that this information should be made clear to any prospective buyer of property on the site due to associated costs.

·  There would be compensatory tree planting.

·  A request for the stone plaque that related to the former school on the site be retained within the development along with retention of the stone gate posts on site.

·  The applicant would be looking to commence works in April/May 2018 should the application be granted.


RESOLVED – That the application be deferred and delegated to the Chief Planning Officer subject to the conditions in the report and the completion of a legal agreement within 3 months form the date of resolution unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Chief Planning Officer, to include the following obligations:


·  Affordable housing – 8 units on site

·  Travel plan and travel plan monitoring fee - £2,500

·  Residential travel plan fund - £24,557.50

·  Provision of shelter to bus stop on Spen Lane opposite the site (£10,00), and addition of real-time display to existing bus shelter on Spen Lane south of the new site access (£10,000) – Total £20,000

·  Commuted sum in lieu of shortfall in on-site greenspace - £31,997

·  10 year management sum for off-site tree planting within the playing fields to the south east, including replacement of any trees that die in the first 5 years (£12,311)

·  Local Employment


Application approved subject to the addition of an informative to remind any future purchaser that the greenspace on site would be maintained by a management company


Additional condition to ensure stone plaque related to former school use is retained on development


(Councillor J Bentley left the room during the discussion and voting on this item)



Supporting documents: