Agenda item

Culture Strategy Delivery Plan

To receive a report from the Head of Governance and Scrutiny Support presenting information requested by the Scrutiny Board in relation to the development of the Culture Strategy 2017-2030 Delivery Plan.


The report of the Director of City Development provided the Board with an interim update on the development of the Culture Strategy Delivery Plan following the adoption of the new Culture Strategy for Leeds 2017-2030 and outlined the implications of recent events relating to the city’s bid for European Capital of Culture.


The following were in attendance for this item:


-  Councillor Judith Blake, Leader of the Council

-  Cluny Macpherson – Chief Officer, Culture and Sport

-  Leanne Buchan – Principal Officer, Culture and Sport

-  Sam Nicholls – Senior Lecturer, School of Film, Music and Performing Arts, Leeds Beckett University

-  Wendy Denman – Community Engagement Manager, Bruntwood


Key issues highlighted included the following:


·  Links between the strategy and the bid for the Capital of Culture.

·  The new strategy was in place and was now at the delivery stage.

·  The year-long celebration of culture that would be held in 2023 following the cancellation of the bid for the European Capital of Culture.

·  Impact on the delivery plan following the cancellation of the bid.

·  The delivery plan of the strategy would be ongoing up to and including 2023.

·  Engagement with local people and how to get their projects and ideas on board.

·  Work with other Council departments to ensure best use of public resources.

·  Wendy Denman gave the Board a brief overview of the role of Bruntwood Property Management and how they could provide support to the arts and culture.  The company had developed their own culture strategy and owned 4 properties in Leeds which could be utilised for cultural activities.  Bruntwood had also supported the Leeds bid.

·  Sam Nicholls informed the Board of the Music:Leeds project. The project had already overseen a number of successful events including carrying out a mapping exercise of all music business activity in Leeds.


Further to comments and questions, the following was discussed:


·  Use of buildings and open spaces – part of the strategy included several values including that of generosity which could include the provision of spaces and facilities.

·  Music mapping exercise – targeting activities in localities out of the City Centre.  It was hoped to be able to list all venues across the city that staged live music.

·  Culture within planning.  Getting public realm interventions as part of developments. There was work ongoing with colleagues across planning and asset management.

·  Business engagement – there was a challenge to keep businesses involved throughout the delivery of the strategy. There had been a number of businesses linked to the Capital of Culture Bid.

·  Support for smaller events including those held outside of the city centre.

·  Engagement with schools and how to get arts and culture into the curriculum.

·  How to demonstrate the value and relevance of culture to all communities in Leeds

·  Funding for cultural activities and how to help groups develop their skills to raise funds.

·  Economic impact of culture.




(1)  That the plan for a year-long celebration of culture in 2023 as a direct legacy of the city’s bid for the title of European City of Culture be noted.

(2)  That the contribution and legacy of the European Capital of Culture bid enabling a more ambitious Culture Strategy Delivery Plan over a longer timeframe be noted.

(3)  That the revised timescale for developing the Culture Strategy Delivery Plan to Autumn 2018 in light of the European Commission decision be endorsed.

(4)  That the extension of the timeframe for the Culture Strategy Delivery Plan to cover a six year period of 2018-23 be noted.

(5)  That the continuation of the projects that have already begun as part of the Culture Strategy Delivery Plan be endorsed and supported.

(6)  That the continuation of the co-produced approach to the Culture Strategy Delivery Plan, as set out in the report, including the creation of an open source online platform to host it be endorsed and supported.

(7)  That a further progress report be brought back to Scrutiny later in the year.

(8)  That a draft Statement of the Board reflecting its views in relation to the Culture Strategy is brought back to the next meeting for consideration and approval.


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