To consider the joint report of the Chief Officer, Health Partnerships and the Head of LCC Intelligence and Policy which presents a forward-looking, partnership approach to the ownership, production and utilisation of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, considering the wider determinants of health and wellbeing and seeking to facilitate policy linkages across Best Council and Best City Priorities.
(Report attached)
The Board considered the joint report of the Chief Officer, Health Partnerships and the Head of LCC Intelligence and Policy setting out proposals for a broader, forward-looking approach to the ownership, production and utilisation of the Joint Strategic (Needs) Assessment, which will consider the wider determinants of health and wellbeing and facilitate policy linkages across the health and care system in Leeds.
The Chief Officer, Health Partnerships, introduced the report which highlighted the HWB’s statutory responsibility to produce a JSNA to inform the direction and effectiveness of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy. The proposals sought to embed the ‘Leeds approach’ into the JSNA; be more inclusive of the Third Sector and communities; and included a name change to “Joint Strategic Assessment” (JSA).
The Board heard that officers had researched examples of good practice adopted by other areas of the country and went on to view a short video presentation entitled “Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015” created by the Welsh Government to provide advice on the aims of the Act. The video was presented as the basis for discussion on a future approach to publicise the aims of the JSA and more widely - the work of the HWB; the Leeds Health & Wellbeing Strategy (HWBS) and Leeds Health and Care Plan. The Board supported the following principles around engagement and made the following comments:
- Emphasis on self-management and care
- Show what Leeds’ health and care systems could look like and provide context for the individual
- Sets out a snapshot of need and reflect more of the ‘one Leeds’ approach
Discussion identified the following matters associated with the JSA for further consideration:
· The context should reference Leeds’ focus on secure and happy childhoods to ensure the best start for children and young people
· To reference using community assets within the longer term service delivery proposals
· To be a toolkit for the whole City, including businesses and residents, not just the local health and care partners
· Acknowledged the need to broaden the scope of data collection in order to better inform the Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy and encompass the wider determinants of health
a) To note the contents of the report and the comments made during discussions on the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 video and the refreshed Joint Strategic Needs Assessment;
b) To endorse the change from a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment to a Joint Strategic Assessment (JSA), reflecting the ‘working with’ approach and reflecting strengths and assets based approach developed in communities and neighbourhoods;
c) To endorse the extension of the JSA to cover the wider determinants of health in line with the refreshed Health and Wellbeing Strategy/Leeds Plan, Best Council/Best City priorities (paragraphs 3.1-3.3);
d) To actively support and contribute to a strong partnership approach to the JSA (paragraphs 3.6-3.10);
e) To agree the establishment of a partnership task and finish group to drive the JSA (paragraphs 3.11) and to note that the Chief Officer, Health Partnerships, will be responsible for overseeing implementation of the group.
f) Agreement that the JSA includes focus on secure and happy childhoods to ensure the best start for children and young people
g) Agreement that a wide breadth of information is used to inform the JSA including existing data sets where appropriate (e.g. mental health needs assessment framework)
Supporting documents: