Agenda item

17/07407/FU – Installation of outdoor fitness equipment at the Playground, Kirkhills, Thorner, LS14 3JD

To receive the report of the Chief Planning Officer which sets out an application for the installation of outdoor fitness equipment at the Playground, Kirkhills, Thorner, LS14 3JD


(Report attached)


The report of the Chief Planning Officer sought planning permission for the installation of outdoor fitness equipment at the Playground, Kirkhills, Thorner, LS14 3JD.


The Playground is situated in Thorner’s Conservation Area. Councillor Matthew Robinson had requested that the application be brought to Plans Panel due to concerns raised by residents about the impact of the development upon the broader character and amenity of the area.


The application proposes six pieces of fitness equipment, situated next to the existing playground, in an area of open space within the centre of Thorner.


Members had attended a site visit earlier in the day, photographs and plans were shown throughout the presentation.


Members were advised of the following points:-

·  An application to vary condition 2 (approved plans) for Minor Material Amendment to allow for a wooden swing frame which was pending.

·  The proposed equipment and the height of each piece of equipment as set out at point 2.2 of the submitted report.

·  No lights or benches are proposed in this area.

·  The equipment will be beige and green in colour to be in keeping with the character of the area.

·  The fitness equipment would be screened from houses on Moat End by trees and shrubs.

·  Relevant planning policies were set out at 8.2 of the submitted report.

·  The Parish Council had undertaken a consultation survey and this was the preferred site.

·  The onus for Health and Safety would be on the Parish Council who own the land.

·  There would be an appropriate distance between the fitness equipment and the children’s playground, there is currently fencing which would be retained.

·  Equipment meets British Standards for safety

·  Highways had no objection as they were of the view that users would access the area on foot.

·  The Parish Council would be responsible for the maintenance and insurance of the equipment.


Mr Brereton attended the meeting speaking against the recommendations he informed the Panel of the following points:-

·  He had been a resident of Thorner for 20 years

·  Residents had asked that the application be brought before Plans Panel as the issue was bigger than this planning application

·  The area of concern stretched over 100 metres and directly affected 10 houses on Moat End.

·  Mr Brereton highlighted a number of points within the submitted report where the officer had referred to the ‘existing play area’ especially when dealing with an objection.

·  Stead Lane, Kirkhills was the most congested road in Thorner

·  The existing playground had been there for almost 40 years and the equipment was designed for children up to approximately 8 years of age.

·  Moat End was a relatively new development and residents of those houses had a choice of living there close to the existing children’s playground.

·  Advised Members that the existing playground was due to change with the removal of some equipment to be replaced with a tower that would provide views into nearby bedrooms on Moat End, a zip wire and climbing net.


Mr Brereton was of the view that the whole complex should have been dealt with as one application. He was also of the opinion that this type of development went against the aspirations as set out in the Parish Plan 2006 and the aspirations set out in the Village Design Statement.


In response to Members questions and comments the following was noted:-

·  Anti-social behaviour involving youths was not really a problem.

·  The Parish Council owned the land and could go ahead with the installing the equipment under Permitted Development even if refused by the Plans Panel.

·  The Parish Council were aware of the opinions of residents.


Victoria Goodall, Chair of Thorner Parish Council attended the meeting and provided the Members with the following information:-

·  Consultation had taken place with residents which included an article in the Parish council newsletter.

·  The Parish Council had voted to come to submit an application rather than go ahead with the installation under Permitted Development.

·  Health and Safety assurances had been received from the manufacturer and installer.

·  The area proposed for the fitness equipment was a discreet area with boarders of shrubs.

·  The Parish Council would be liable for the insurance of the equipment and for maintenance.

·  The Parish Council were of the view that the equipment would not encourage anti-social behaviour with youths.

·  The Parish Council had secured funded for the project under from Lottery Funding 'Wards for All'.

·  The children's play area was due to undergo changes for new wooden equipment to be installed to blend in better with the area.


Councillor McKenna informed the meeting that he wished to take no further part in discussions on this item


In response to Members questions and comments the following points were noted:-

·  Feedback on consultation had been provided to Parish Councillors at the Annual General Meeting;

·  The village had been informed of the project in the Parish newsletter;

·  It was hoped that the new pieces at the playground would provide something to do for older children up to age 11 years;

·   Manufacturers had confirmed that the fitness equipment conformed to Health and Safety Standards;

·  The playground would maintain the same footprint with the addition of new equipment made of wood.


The publicity provided by LCC to be provided to Cllr. Cleasby as requested.


Jonathan Carr, Head of Development provided clarity as to the reason for this application being brought before Plans Panel. He explained the Parish Council wished to legitimise planning permission for the fitness area although they could go ahead with the project under Permitted Development.


Members who had similar fitness equipment in their wards said the equipment was well used and there were no incidents of anti-social behaviour in locations where the equipment was situated.


RESOLVED – To grant planning permission in accordance with the officer recommendation.

Supporting documents: