Agenda item

Application 17/06373/FU - Leeds Beckett Univeristy, Headingley Campus, Church Wood Avenue, West Park, Leeds, LS6 3QS

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for the demolition of existing teaching building and surface car park, and development of a teaching and research building, with health clinics, multi-purpose exercise, an indoor 60m athletics track, campus general teaching, ancillary offices, café and public space.



The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for the demolition of an existing teaching building and surface car park and development of a teaching and research building, with health clinics, multi-purpose exercise, an indoor 60m athletics track, campus general teaching, ancillary offices and a café and public space at Leeds Beckett University, Headingley Campus, West Park.


Members visited the site prior to the meeting and site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.


The following issues were highlighted in relation to the application:


·  The new building would be located to the west of the site and would maintain distances between other key buildings.

·  Details of landscaping including tree planting and the public realm area.

·  There had been objections from local residents and Ward Councillors.  Loss of car parking was a concern and the impact that this would have on neighbouring streets.  Footpath and cycle routes needed to be upgraded.

·  It was considered that parking arrangements would be sufficient with 131 spaces when works were completed.

·  The University had offered a sum of £70k to be held by the Council for future works that may be needed due to issues with car parking.

·  There had not been any objection to the building or upgrading of facilities at the site.

·  The application was recommended for approval.


Members supported the application but still had concerns regarding parking.  The Panel heard from a representative of the University.  It was acknowledged that there were historical problems with parking in the area and the Panel was informed that a liaison group had been set up with local resident associations.  The University was committed to solving problems with parking in the area and had introduced a shuttle bus service to alleviate some of the problems.  Further suggestions were made that the parking fees at the campus could be reduced or scrapped and that Headingley Stadium be approached regarding the use of overspill parking facilities.


In response to comments and questions, it was reported that liaison with residents could be included in the condition for the Car Park Management Plan and the standard approach for local employment opportunities during the construction phase be taken.


RESOLVED – That approval be deferred and delegated to the Chief Planning Officer subject to conditions outlined in the report and the completion of a legal agreement within 3 months from the date of resolution unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Chief Planning Officer, to include the following obligations:


·  A contribution towards future highways infrastructure and other measures necessary in the locality to be used in the event that the development results in adverse highways impacts in the ten years following first use of the development - £70,000

·  Travel Plan Obligations and Monitoring Fee - £3,157


Ward Members for Kirkstall and Weetwood wards to be consulted on Heads of Terms of Agreement related to Highways matters.  Due to short timescales involved, Panel accepted that if there was any dispute, to avoid delay, the Chair of the Panel had final discretion of such circumstances should occur.



Supporting documents: