Agenda item

Finance update report

To receive the report of the West North West Area Leader to update Members on the projects funded through the Inner West Wellbeing and Youth Activities Fund budgets. The report also provides Members with details of the current financial and monitoring position of the Wellbeing, Youth Activity and Capital fund.


(Report attached)


The report of the Area Leader, West North West provided Members with an update on the projects funded through the Inner West Wellbeing, Youth Activities Fund and Capital budgets.


The report also presented projects for approval and outlined the applications received through the open commissioning round for funding in the 2018/19 financial year.


Paragraph 4 of the submitted report set out the remaining balances available per ward for 2017/18. It was noted that these balances may increase due to underspends.


The Finance Statement attached at Appendix 1 of the submitted report provided Members with details of the current financial and monitoring position of the Wellbeing Fund and the Youth Activities Fund.


Members were asked to consider 2 new Wellbeing applications for 2017/18 set out at paragraphs 7 and 8 of the report:

·  Armley Grit Bins - £1,752 (Armley Ward)

·  Bramley SID’s - £7,100, (Bramley Ward)


Members were advised of 2 small grants approved since the last meeting as follows:-

·  Christmas Party for the Elderly/ Adults/ Parents in the Broadleas - £350

·  Bramley Grit Bins Refill - £304

It was noted that the balance of the small grants and skips budget available at 12th March 2018 was £1,268.


Members were informed that the current Inner West Capital Receipts Incentive Scheme balance was £36,700.


It was noted that since 1st April 2017, the Committee had awarded grants totalling £44,282 to Youth Activities projects in 2017/18. Members noted the balances for each ward as follows:-

·  Armley - £97

·  Bramley & Stanningley - £843

·  Kirkstall - £1,502


The Committee was advised that the Inner West Wellbeing indicative budget for 2018/19 was £128,500, as in previous years the Community Committee had opted to split the budget by ward, giving each ward a budget of £42, 833.


It was noted that a further injection into the Wellbeing Fund for 2018/19 had been agreed at Executive Board in February 2018. The amount would be confirmed at the next Community Committee in June 2018.


The Committee were also advised of the 2018/19 Inner West Wellbeing indicative Youth Activities Fund budget was £34,530. The Committee had also opted to split the budget by ward, giving each ward a budget of £11,510.


Ward Members had met in mid-February 2018 to review applications for projects to be funded in 2018/19. The projects recommended for approval were listed at paragraphs 20, 21 and 22 of the submitted report.


Members were provided with a brief update on projects in development listed at paragraph 23 of the submitted report:-

·  It was noted that BARCA had accepted a lesser figure of £2,000 as suggested by the Bramley Ward Members to provide Sport in Summer;

·  YMCA Leeds – No response had been received from the YMCA; and

·  Bramley Community Centre – Bramley Elderly Action would remain in development.



a)  Note the balance of the Wellbeing budget for 2017/18 at paragraph 4 of the submitted report

b)  Approve the new Wellbeing project for 2017/18 at paragraphs 7 and 8 of the submitted report:

-  (7) Armley Grit Bins - £1,752 (Armley) – APPROVED

-  (8) Bramley SID’s - £7,100 (Bramley) (2,544 revenue & £4,556 capital) APPROVED

c)  Note the balance of the Capital Fund at paragraph 13 of the submitted report

d)  Note the balance of the Youth Activities Fund at paragraph 16 of the submitted report

e)  Approve the new projects for Wellbeing, Youth Activities Fund and Capital for 2018/19 as set out at paragraphs 20, 21 and 22 of the submitted report

f)  Note the projects at paragraph 23 and 26 of the submitted report.

-  BARCA – Sport in Summer -£2,000 (Bramley) APPROVED

-  CCTV – Butcher Hill - £3,000 (Kirkstall) APPROVED


Supporting documents: