Agenda item

Scrutiny Inquiry Anti Social Behaviour Draft Report

This year, the Tenant Scrutiny Board have undertaken an in-depth inquiry into the Anti-Social Behaviour Service. This inquiry has now concluded and the Board is in a position to report on its draft findings and recommendations resulting from the evidence gathered.


Members are asked to consider and provide feedback and agree as appropriate the Board’s draft report following its inquiry into the Anti-Social Behaviour Service.


The Chair explained he and the Vice Chair had met with Scrutiny Officers to work on the draft report which is presented at this meeting. The Chair advised that the Board will go through the report at this meeting but if members wish to add any suggestions after the meeting to be included in the report to let the Scrutiny Officer know.

The Chair reminded members that ‘where any member of the Tenant Scrutiny Board not to agree with the content of the Board's Report, they may produce a Minority Report setting out their findings and recommendations. The Minority Report will be attached as an appendix to the Tenant Scrutiny Board’s Report.’

It was noted that this inquiry has been very different to ones carried out previously. It was noted that this inquiry had not only looked at procedures but also the behaviour of tenants in their communities.

The Board went through the draft report section by section and gave the following comments.

Noise Nuisance

It was noted through the Board’s inquiry this was responsible for over 50% of ASB cases and a large proportion of these are from high rise blocks. The Chair noted that in suggesting an action day for noise, that this was inspired by the clean-up action days on estates which has been seen to work as it was targeting a particular problem. The Board agreed to include the word ‘awareness’ into the event.

IT Systems

The Board noted this is a common issue and something the Board has come across on all inquiries carried out. It was noted that the Council are gradually bringing in systems which can ‘talk’ to each other and it was noted that a new housing management system is being brought in which will benefit ASB Case Officers. The Board agreed to add into the report words about ‘integration’ and ‘enable officers to carry out their roles efficiently’ which would help better explain how the Board came to this recommendation.


The Chair explained that fibre installations could take up to two years where as using radio signals from top of tower blocks could be installed quicker. SB noted that in West Leeds there is some work on upgrading cameras and they are installing equipment on the roof. Board agreed to add into the report clarification around the updates to tenants on work which is being carried out as clearly it was identified there is a planned programme of works available.

Recommendations 6, 7

These were noted by the Board with no additional amendments.

Recommendation 8

The Board noted point 37 in the draft report and that a recommendation should be included to address this issue via some form of audit carried out on these types of cases.


The Chair noted that the inquiry had heard this isn’t taken up much and he noted that when he had asked someone about this they hadn’t heard of the service.


The Chair requested authorisation to sign off on their behalf given there is no formal meeting in May before closing this item.


RESOLVED – The Board agreed to allow the Chair to sign off the report on their behalf subject to amendments which have been made at this meeting and also any made by Board Members received by Scrutiny Officers before 30th April 2018.

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