Agenda item

Application for the grant of a premises licence for Freedom Mills Unit 47, Washington Street, Kirkstall, Leeds, LS3 1JQ.

To receive and consider the attached report of the Head of Elections, Licensing and Registration



The report of the Head of Elections, Licensing and Registration presented an application for the grant of a premises licence at Freedom Mills, Unit 47, Washington Street, Kirkstall, Leeds.


In summary the application was for the performance of plays, exhibition of film, indoor sporting events, boxing or wresting events, performance of lice music, recorded music, performance of dance, provision of facilities for making music, provision of facilities for dancing, anything of a similar description, sale of alcohol and late night refreshment – every day 12:00 – 05:00.


The application had received representations from responsible authorities.


The Licensing Officer presented the application and informed the Sub-Committee that the application had previously been deferred on 27 March and 24 April 2018.  Agreement had been reached with West Yorkshire Police following their representations and there was an outstanding representation on behalf of the Licensing Authority.


The following were in attendance:


Matthew Cooney – Licensing Consultant

Joshua Threlfall – Director, Freedom Mills

Kyle Mc Sporran – DPS, Freedom Mills

Samantha Longfellow – Licensing Authority

Michael Waters – Licensing Authority

Seamus Kennedy – Licensing Authority


Mr Cooney addressed the Sub-Committee. He informed them that the premises was currently used as an art/event space and was an asset to the Leeds Art Community.  Temporary Event Notices had previously been used at the premises and it had been decided to apply for a full licence.  Further issues highlighted included the following:


·  The licence would be used for impromptu/casual events such as end of year student graduation parties.

·  The applicant was not informed that planning permission would be required until after this application had been submitted.  It was reported that should the premises licence be granted, there would not be any operation of this until planning permission had been received.

·  All necessary works had been carried out in relation to fire safety.

·  The premises were located out of town and not in a trouble spot area.


In response to questions from the sub-committee, the following was discussed:


·  Following the prohibition notice issued by West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, it was confirmed that all their concerns had been addressed and this had now been signed off.

·  It was not intended to use the full hours available on the licence.  This would only be on an occasional basis.

·  There could still be the use of Temporary Event Notices for club style nights at the premises.  These would occasionally be run in conjunction with partners who wished to hire the venue.

·  The premises would be used for a wide range of functions.  The licence was required for events that would generate needed income.

·  There was a regular security team used at the premises who would be used for any events that so required.

·  It was not intended to operate a nightclub style operation at the premises.


Samantha Longfellow addressed the Sub-Committee on behalf of the Licensing Authority.  She informed the Sub-Committee of concerns relating to public safety at the premises that had initially been due to the capacity of the premises and lack of suitable exits.  Reference was made to the recent history of visits from the Licensing Authority and Building Control and ongoing discussion.  In response to questions it was reported that main concerns focussed on public safety and should planning permission be granted and building control measures be satisfied then any objections would be withdrawn.


In summary, Mr Cooney reiterated that there would not be any licensable activities at the premises until the relevant planning permission had been received.


The Licensing Sub-Committee carefully considered the report of the Head of Elections, Licensing and Registration, the Statement of Licensing Policy and the representations submitted and those made at the hearing.


RESOLVED – That the application be granted as applied for with additional agreed conditions between the operator and West Yorkshire Police.



Supporting documents: