Agenda item

Update on Progress and Implementation of the Leeds Public Transport Investment Programme (LPTIP)

To consider the report of the Director of City Development providing an update on the significant scheme and package development during 2017/18 and the first quarter of 2018/19, and which sets out the next steps for delivering the Leeds Public Transport Investment Programme.





Further to Minute No. 17, 21st June 2017, the Director of City Development submitted a report providing an update on the significant scheme and package development of the Leeds Public Transport Investment Programme (LPTIP) during 2017/18 and the first quarter of 2018/19, and which also set out the next steps for delivering the programme.


The Board welcomed Mr Nigel Foster, Chair of the associated independent Expert Advisory Panel, who was in attendance at the meeting in order to provide detail on the composition of, and role played by the Panel. Mr Foster also introduced the key points of the Panel’s report.


The Board noted the significant level of consultation which had been undertaken when developing the proposals, with the valuable role of the Expert Panel being highlighted.


In response to a Member’s enquiry, the Board received further details regarding the aims of the proposed bus priority improvement schemes, with increased reliability and resilience to services being highlighted. In addition, with regard to comments made on the provision of bus services in more rural communities, the Board noted that work continued to be undertaken with bus operators and West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) on this issue. 


With regard to HS2, Members received further information on the actions being taken to ensure that the HS2 station in Leeds would be integrated with the rest of the local and regional public transport network, with the development of the Integration Masterplan being highlighted. 


Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board received further details on the contractual arrangements in place between the Council, WYCA and the bus operator regarding the provision to share profits earned from park and ride facilities at Elland Road and Temple Green, with it being noted that Board Members could be provided with details of the relevant patronage levels required for such arrangements to be activated. Members were also advised that the bus operator bore the financial risk, should either of those two sites not break even. Finally, it was noted that in terms of the proposed Stourton site, such issues would be discussed with the relevant parties as part of any contractual negotiations.


In conclusion, it was highlighted to the Board that should the recommendations within the submitted report be agreed, then the Board would be giving its approval to submit the planning applications for the expansion of the Elland Road Park and Ride site and a new Park and Ride site at Stourton.



(a)  That the progress made since April 2016 on developing proposals and the public consultations, be noted;


(b)  That the report of the independent Expert Advisory Panel, as appended to the submitted report, be noted;


(c)  That the development work undertaken on the popular Park and Ride sites be noted; and that support be given on the continued roll out of the park and ride programme including:-


(i)  Progress on the feasibility work at Alwoodley Gates in the North of the city;

(ii)  Approval of the submission of a planning application for the expansion of the Elland Road Park & Ride site, and subject to the granting of planning permission and the funding approval of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority, approval be given to the expenditure of £5.12m from the LPTIP Capital Programme to carry out detail design and construction of the site;

(iii)  Approval to the submission of a planning application for a new park & ride site at Stourton, and subject to the granting of planning permission and the funding approval of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority, approval be given to the expenditure of £23.74m from the LPTIP Capital Programme to carry out detail design and construction of the Park and Ride site;


(d)  That the expenditure of £11.98m from the LPTIP Capital Programme to carry out detail design and construction of the Bus Priority measures and cycling improvements on the route from the Stourton site into the city centre along Wakefield Road / Low Road / Hunslet Road, be approved;


(e)  That the expenditure of £5.19m to be funded from the LPTIP Capital Programme for the detail design and construction of thefollowing initial schemes, be approved:-


(a)  A647 – Bradford to Leeds: Armley Road bus gate and bus stop relocation;


(b)  A61(N) – Alwoodley to Leeds –

  i Harrogate Road outbound bus lane/gate at Alwoodley Lane

  ii Harrogate Road inbound bus lane to Outer Ring Road

  iii Harrogate Road inbound bus lane to Street Lane;


(c)  A58 – Oakwood & Roundhay to Leeds

i Easterly Road verge hardening for off-carriageway parking  provision

ii York Street bus only;


(d)  A660 – Adel to Leeds - Holt Lane signalisation.


(f)  That it be noted that the Chief Officer for Highways and Transportation is responsible for the implementation of the resolutions as outlined within the submitted report.


(During the consideration of this item, Councillor Coupar returned to the meeting)

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