Agenda item


The report of the Chief Planning Officer requests consideration on an application for change of use of former residential care home to form 12 bed house in multiple occupation at Mount Carmel, 88 Church Lane, Crossgates, Leeds, LS15 8JE


(Report attached)



The report of the Chief Planning Officer advised Members of a change of use of former residential care home to form a 12 bed house in multiple occupation at 88 Church Lane, Crossgates, Leeds, LS15.


It was noted that the plan provided at page 60 of the agenda was the original submission for 16 beds not revised scheme. Also the red line boundary had been amended to reflect correct ownership.


Clarification was also provided that there was 15 occupants in the property currently, all on rolling month by month contracts. Members were also advised that this had been a HMO since 2016, and that enforcement action was being held in abeyance pending the outcome of the determination of this application. In light of this it was considered appropriate to reduce the time limit for the implementation of the permission to 6 months.


Members had visited the site earlier in the day with photographs and plans shown throughout the presentation.


Members were informed of the following points:

·  The property was adjacent to a primary school;

·  The conservatory and an outbuilding to the rear were to be removed;

·  Care use for the property had gone and another use had to be sought for the property;

·  6 parking spaces to be provided;

·  A noise assessment had been undertaken by Environment Officers and an acoustic barrier in the form of a timber panel fence and additional planting were proposed for screening and noise containment purposes;

·  The original plan had proposed 16 rooms this had now been reduced to 12 rooms this would allow more amenity / lounge areas on each of the floors;

·  All bedrooms were to be en-suite, although separate bathrooms were proposed;

·  Secure cycle parking was proposed to the lower ground floor for residents;

·  A new refuse store with keypad for convenience of residents and waste disposal operatives.


The Panel was also informed of the following condition changes and additions:

·  Standard time limit for implementation changed to 6 months

·  Implementation of access alterations

·  Management condition

·  Details of boundary treatment to be submitted and agreed – the plan showed a retaining wall was to be moved



Mr Judge attended the meeting to speak against the recommendations. Mr Judge informed the meeting that the HMO was positioned close to a school and that the rear boundary backed onto an area used by the children for activities and lunch breaks.


Mr Judge said that parking was an issue in the area and he was of the view that parking spaces provided would not be sufficient or used by the residents.

Mr Judge was of the opinion that there was no such thing as a sound proof fence and, that the people who would live in the HMO would have a different lifestyle pattern to those who already lived in the area. He was of the view that this would cause a disturbance to the neighbouring residents.


Mr Judge highlighted the concerns raised by Cllr. Pauleen Grahame in relation to the impact on road users and highway safety regarding the number of cars parked outside Mount Carmel on the road. It was also noted at night time there were often groups outside the building.


The agent Andrew Windress addressed the Panel providing a background on the applicant who had inherited the care home from his parents. It was noted that this was his only source of income and that he currently lived at the property providing the day to day management and maintenance. He also had another property close by.


Mr Windress informed the Panel that the ages living at the HMO ranged from 22 to 67 years old. Mr Windress highlighted the need for HMO’s providing housing for those who were unable to affordable a different tenure.


The location of the HMO had not been raised as an issue by the Inspector and it was noted that the Inspector was happy with the ratio of occupants to parking spaces which the Council had adopted. Members were also informed that the parking spaces were oversized to allow cars to drive out onto Church Lane rather than reverse into the main highway.


The boundary with the school was deep and should mitigate any concerns.


Members briefly discussed the points raised and the conditions to be imposed on the application.


RESOLVED - To grant permission as set out in the submitted report with the additional conditions as follows:

·  Standard time for implementation reduced from 3 years to 6 months

·  Implementation of access alterations including dropped kerbs

·  Management condition to include the bin storage, amenity areas and the future maintenance of the acoustic fence

·  Boundary treatment to be submitted and agreed (including details of the re-siting of a section of retaining wall)

·  Assess parking arrangements to condition additional spaces if required

·  Additional condition for Electric Vehicle Charging Point (EVCP)

Supporting documents: