Agenda item

PREAPP-17- 00590 - Land to East of Carlton Gate and North of Clay Pit Lane, Sheepscar, Leeds

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer which presents a pre-application presentation for a 5-15 storey block of 160 residential units with associated parking and greenspace


The report of the Chief Planning Officer introduced a pre-application presentation for 160 Apartments, at land East of Carlton Gate and North of Clay Pit Lane.


Members visited the site prior to the meeting and site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the proposals.


Further issues highlighted included the following:


·  The site had previously had an outline approval for housing during the regeneration of Little London PFI scheme.  This had not been progressed following the economic downturn.

·  The site was identified for housing in the Site Allocation Plan.

·  The mound at the site would be retained to an extent but not at the same height.  This would introduce a more usable landscape which improved connectivity and public access.  Whilst there would be some tree loss, there would be re-planting and landscaping to compensate.

·  Car parking was low for a development of this intensity.

·  A flexible rent model was proposed with a guaranteed minimum of 7.5% affordable housing.


The applicant’s representatives addressed the Panel.  The following was highlighted:


·  Agreements had been made with a contractor who was ready to deliver the scheme.

·  The previously agreed plans for the site would have seen the removal of the bund.

·  The flexible rent model was explained.  This involved offering rents at comparable local rates and it was aimed to offer 20% affordable housing.

·  The proposals would complete the regeneration of Little London and provide a landmark building on a gateway to the city.

·  Options to retain the bund had been explored.  To retain the bund would have presented a challenge to any construction.  The alternative option would retain features of the bund and provide a quality environment around the building.

·  The building would be stepped in height and the relative height would be lower than other nearby buildings.

·  The ground floor of the building would have communal spaces, community facilities and cycle storage.  There would also be a communal roof terrace.

·  Car parking – proposed levels of parking were felt to be sufficient as it the site was situated in an area with good transport links to the city.  There was low car ownership in the area.

·  It was proposed to submit a full application in July 2018 with a view to commencing development within 6 months.


In response to Members comments and questions, the following was discussed:


·  Consultation with Ward Members and local residents – There had been some discussion with Ward Members and consultation with local residents was planned.

·  Concern regarding the proximity of street lighting to the new building – it was not envisaged that there would be any light pollution caused by this.

·  Concerns with regards to the corner of the building and how close it was to Clay Pit Lane.

·  Materials for the building still needed to be finalised.  It was suggested that they would be of a finish similar to existing buildings nearby.

·  Members welcomed that affordable housing provision would be on site and not in the form of a financial contribution.

·  Details of projected rent levels were requested.

·  Concern regarding the removal of the bund and potential for future noise disturbance.  It was reported that noise levels would be monitored and the necessary noise attenuation works would be carried out.

·  Local school provision – further information would be provided further into the planning process.

·  Further concerns were raised about the provision of studio apartments, size of the apartments and size and massing of the building.

·  In response to questions outlined in the report, the following was discussed:

o  With regard to the loss of the existing bund and green infrastructure, Members requested further information before any proposals could be supported.

o  The emerging layout, scale and design was felt to be too bulky and close to Clay Pit Lane.

o  The affordable housing strategy was supported with some concern regarding the inclusion of studio flats and further information requested on the rental model.

o  Members supported the emerging amenity space, public realm and landscape design principles subject to consultation with Ward Members and the local community.

o  Further information was requested with regard to the approach to parking, vehicular access and pedestrian connectivity.


RESOLVED – That the report and presentation be noted.



Supporting documents: