To receive and consider the attached report of the South East Area Leader
The report of the South East Area Leader provided Members with the following:
· An update on the Outer East Budget position
· A review of the minimum conditions for delegated decisions.
· An update on the Wellbeing revenue projects and budget position
· An update on the Wellbeing revenue projects approved by DDN since the last meeting
· Wellbeing revenue proposals for consideration and approval
· An update on Youth Activities Fund (YAF) projects and budget position
· An update on Youth Activity Fund projects approved by DDN since the last meeting
· Youth Activity Fund proposals for consideration and approval.
· An update on the Wellbeing Capital projects and budget position
· An update on the Wellbeing capital projects approved by DDN since the last meeting
· Wellbeing capital proposals for consideration and approval
· An update on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Neighbourhood Fund
· CIL proposals for consideration and approval.
· An update on the Small Grants Budget
· An update on the details of the Community Skips Budget
James Nundy, Senior Localities Officer presented the report.
Issues discussed included the following:
· Minimum conditions required for delegated decisions to be made.
· Members were informed that the Revenue budget for 2018/19 was £114,570. With underspends from 2017/18 this left a total of £128,224.
· Funding applications for Social Isolation Worker and Lunch Club Co-ordinator for Garforth Neighbourhood Elders Team. It was queried whether there were other funding streams that could be used for these posts and feedback was requested on the outcome of the funding previously granted. It was proposed to invite a representative of Garforth NET to a future meeting of the Community Committee.
· There had been an increase in the cost of skip hire. Skips were available on a first come first served basis.
(1) That the minimum conditions for delegated decisions as set out in the report be agreed.
(2) That the details of the Wellbeing revenue projects and budget position be noted.
(3) That the Wellbeing revenue projects approved by DDN since the last meeting be noted.
(4) That the following Wellbeing revenue proposals be approved:
o Small grants 2018/19 - £5,000
o Community Committee Public Engagement 2018/19 - £2,000
o Tasking Team Initiatives 2018/19 - £5,000
o Skips for Community Clean-Ups 2018/19 - £3,000
o CCTV Monitoring Costs 2018/19 - £12,000
o Christmas in Outer East Leeds - £34,117.19
o Social Isolation Worker - £11,250
o Luncheon Club Coordinator - £11.250
o Allerton Bywater Village Tidy Project - £1,000
o Halton Moor KICKS extension - £16,000
(5) That the details of the Youth Activity Fund (YAF) projects and budget position be noted.
(6) That the Youth Activity Fund projects approved by DDN since the last meeting be noted.
(7) That the following Youth Activity Fund proposals be approved:
o Youth Service activities for Outer East Leeds 2018/19 - £28,969.60
o Garforth MiniBreeze - £2,750
o Rhinos Roar Summer Camps - £10,000
o Urban Arts Workshops - £3,045
o Breeze bonanza funday at John Smeaton Leisure Centre - £3,618.73
o Next Generation 2018 - £2,211
(8) That details of the Wellbeing capital projects and budget position be noted.
(9) That the Wellbeing capital projects approved by DDN since the last meeting be noted.
(10) That the following Wellbeing Capital Project be approved:
o Litter bins and grit bins in Cross Gates & Whinmoor; Kippax & Methley and Temple Newsam Wards - £4,203
(11) That the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Neighbourhood Fund update be noted.
(12) That the following CIL Neighbourhood Fund proposal be approved:
o Grit bins and litter bins for Garforth - £1,155.57
(13) That details of the Small Grants Budget be noted.
(14) That details of the Community Skips Budget be noted.
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