Agenda item

PRE- APPLICATION Presentation - Amendment to determined applications 16/06877/FU and 16/06878/LI for the partial demolition of 17 Wellington Street and total demolition of 49 Aire Street, to extend and change the use of the existing building to form a 54 bed boutique hotel (Use Class C1) with a new basement for back of house areas and a ground floor reception and restaurant with bar (Use Class A3/A4) at 17 Wellington Street, Leeds, LS1 4DL

To consider a report by the Chief Planning Officer which sets put details of a pre - application presentation for amendment to determined applications 16/06877/FU and 16/06878/LI for the partial demolition of 17 Wellington Street and total demolition of 49 Aire Street, to extend and change the use of the existing building to form a 54 bed boutique hotel (Use Class C1) with a new basement for back of house areas and a ground floor reception and restaurant with bar (Use Class A3/A4) at 17 Wellington Street, Leeds,




(Report attached)


With reference to the meeting of 27th April 2017 and the decision to grant consent for demolitions and an extension of the host listed building at 17 Wellington Street to allow it to be brought into use as a residential scheme with a ground floor restaurant.


The Chief Planning Officer now submitted a report which set out details of a pre-application proposal which sought to amend the consented scheme as follows:


·  Reducing the level of demolitions to the existing building at 17 Wellington Street with the retention of the west wing of the building apart from breaking through sections of brick work to the wing’s east facing wall.


·  The use of the existing listed building and its new extension as a 54 bed hotel with formerly approved residential use falling away.


·  The creation of an enlarged basement to house a staff room, restaurant toilets, a kitchen area, a bin store and service lift


·  The reconfiguration of the ground floor to allow the existing west wing detailed stone doorway to be become an entrance to the restaurant, rather than to a bin store as was previously proposed.


·  Minor changes to the window arrangement in the south facing façade of the new build extension to accommodate the requirements of the hotel use.


Site photographs and plans were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.


Members raised the following questions:


·  The main entrance to the hotel was to be located on Wellington Street but where would the taxi drop off and pick up area be located.

·  Where would the loading area be located

·  Would there be a second entrance on Aire Street as a convenience for guests arriving from the train station


In responding to the issues raised, the applicant’s representatives said:


·  The applicant suggested that there was a pavement build out located in close proximity to the proposed main entrance which could provide an opportunity to create as a taxi drop off/ pick up point. Highway Officers suggested that further discussions would be required with all parties and that a bus stop may requiring moving in order to achieve the space required.

·  Highway Officers said that loading would be allowed on Aire Street on an evening and subject to the provision of a service management plan

·  It was indicated that the main entrance on Wellington Street including pick up and drop arrangements were very important to the operator. The suggestion that a second guest entrance be located on Aire Street would require further discussions with the operator, however this was considered unlikely to be agreed by the operator.


In offering comments Members raised the following issues:


·  Members welcomed the proposal for a hotel development at this location.

·  The new proposal was an improvement on the original scheme

·  The retention and bringing back into use of this Victorian Building was welcome 

·  The setting back of the dormer elevations was a positive design feature

·  Relocating the bus stop would require careful consideration

·  A review of waiting restrictions along Aire Street may be required


In drawing the discussion to a conclusion Members provided the following feedback;


·  Members were supportive of the principle of the uses

·  Members were supportive of the proposed demolitions and design of the proposals

·  Further information and details were required on the approach to servicing and access


The Chair thanked the developers for their attendance and presentation suggesting that Members appeared to be supportive of the revised scheme




(i)  To note the details contained in the pre-application presentation


(ii)  That the developers be thanked for their attendance and presentation


(iii)  That following the submission of a formal application, determination be delegated to the Chief Planning Officer subject to the satisfactory resolution of the pick-up and drop off arrangements




Supporting documents: