Agenda item


To receive the report of the Chief Planning Officer for the demolition of former care home and construction of new build extra care housing scheme comprising 44 apartments with associated communal facilities, parking and external amenity space at Westwood Way, Boston Spa, LS23 6DX.


(Report attached)


The report of the Chief Planning Officer set out an application for the demolition of former care home and construction of new build extra care housing scheme comprising of 44 apartments with associated communal facilities, parking and external amenity space at Westwood Way, Boston Spa, LS23 6DX.


It was noted that there was a typo in the report at 10.9 referring to the shifting of the proposal by approximately 1.5 metres to the north. This should refer to the west.


2 additional comments received one highlighting the typo and also referred to the shift as a ‘measly’ 1.5 metres’


The second comment re-iterating the earlier objection and expressing that the shift of the proposal from the rear of 34 Church Street does not alleviate their concerns relating to loss of light and overbearing impact on their amenities.


Members had visited the site earlier in the day with plans, maps and photographs being shown throughout the presentation.


The Panel were informed of the following points:

·  The proposed footprint was ‘S’ shaped and longer than the building currently on that site

·  There were two storey properties around the site with open space surrounding

·  The proposal tried to minimise the height of the building by use of the roof space for additional rooms

·  Extra Care provision was lower than that of a standard C3 use building

·  The scheme was deemed to have a neutral impact on existing issues in the area including permissive parking with 3 schools and an allotment within the vicinity

·  Improvements had been made to the original design

·  The proposed living space meet and exceed minimum requirements

·  There was a need for this type of development within the area as set out in the Neighbourhood plan

·  There was no architectural merit in the current building on the site. However there was a boundary wall which needed protecting and was to be retained. This would be checked during and after construction.


Ms Douglas of 30 Church Street spoke to the Panel informing them of the following points:

·  The proximity and the height of the proposed development were a concern as it would reduce light levels to the rear gardens of neighbouring properties

·  32, 34 and 36 Church Street would have issues of showing if the development was to go ahead these properties had small rear gardens

·  Residents of the new building may also not be happy that people would be able to look into their property

·  The eastern side of the proposed building would be in shade

·  The size of the proposed building would set a precedent in the village

·  Ms Douglas was of the view that the rules had been changed to suit the plans as set out at 10.4 of the submitted report

·  Ms Douglas was not against the building of this type of property although, she did not think that it should be built at the detriment of those already living in Church Street


In response to a question with regard to the height of the hedges on the boundary Ms Douglas said that she was unable to comment on how much shade the hedges gave in the gardens at 32, 34 and 36. Ms Douglas said that the gardens to those properties were small and it was noted that 32, 34 and 36 had no front garden. In response to the height of the hedges Ms Douglas said that hedges and trees dependent on preservation orders could be cut down, but brick walls could not.


Clare Hemmingway of Housing Care 21 and Nick Langtran –Architect attended the meeting and provided the Panel with the following information:

·  Housing Care 21 bid for the scheme through a competitive process in response the Leeds City Council who had identified a need for extra care provision on this site

·  Housing Care 21 is a leading care and retirement housing for older people of modest means they are a charitable not for profit organisation, been established 50 years

·  Work with 150 local authorities across the country with 130 extra care schemes

·  100%  of services in the north were rated ‘Good’ by Care Quality Commission

·  They assist people to live independently with their own front door within a safe and secure environment

·  Enable couples to remain together

·  Tailored care packages

·  The housing scheme is open for the use of neighbours and the community and they encourage the community to use their amenities including the café bistro, and participate in any activities or social functions

·  They promote inter-generational work and would engage with local schools

·  It was proposed that there would be a management team of 4, care staff team, domestics, repair contractors etc. During the build period the contractor would take on apprentices locally

·  All schemes comply with secure by design

·  Housing Care 21 is for people over 55 however, the average age of residents are in there 80’s a majority do not own cars

·  Parking on the site had been addressed in the travel plan. A detailed survey had been undertaken in relation to parking and car ownership in other schemes in Yorkshire which showed only between 3 and 7 residents owned a car on any one scheme

·  Staff are recruited locally where possible

·  Funding was being provided by Homes England. It was noted that the funding was at risk if the contractor did not start on site in October

The Panel discussed the following points:

·  Transport links to and from Boston Spa

·  Parking

·  Disrepair of the building currently on site

·  Construction traffic


RESOLVED – To defer and delegate approval of the planning application in accordance with the officer recommendation, pending the expiry of the publicity period, and subject to the imposition of the following additional planning condition:

·  Details of a scheme for the use and implementation of renewable energy to be submitted to and approved by the local planning authority.


Condition 8, details of a construction management plan, to include restrictions on delivery hours, hours of construction and provision for contractors parking.


Chair to write to Asset Management expressing Members concerns about the condition of the existing building on the site.

Supporting documents: