Agenda item

Application 18/02139/FU - Erection of a part 11, part 18 storey building for student accommodation including facilities, comprising 98 studios, and the provision of communal facilities in the basement of the adjacent building, a landscaping scheme and all associated works at the site of the Q1 Residence, Wade Lane, Leeds.

To consider a report by the Chief Planning Officer which sets out details of an application which seeks the erection of a part 11, part 18 storey building for student accommodation including facilities, comprising 98 studios, and the provision of communal facilities in the basement of the adjacent building, a landscaping scheme and all associated works at the site of the Q1 Residence, Wade Lane, Leeds.



(Report attached)


The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report which set out details of an application which sought the erection of a part 11, part 18 storey building for student accommodation including facilities, comprising 98 studios and the provision of communal facilities in the basement of the adjacent building, a landscaping scheme and all associated works at the site of the Q1 Residence, Wade Lane, Leeds 2.


Site photographs and plans were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.


Planning Officers together with the applicant’s representatives addressed the Panel, speaking in detail about the proposal and highlighted the following:


·  The proposed development sought to provide 98 studio dwellings, for occupation by students. These units would be set out such that floors 1 to 10 would each contain 7 studios and floors 11 to 17 would each contain 4 studios.


·  The units would be laid out in the following range with regard to the range of internal floorspace:


10 studios of 21 sq metres

17 studios of 22 sq metres

37 studios of 23 sq metres

17 studios of 29 sq metres

17 studios of 31 sq metres


·  The proposal would include a range of high quality communal facilities within some 200 sq. metres at the ground floor of the proposed building, comprising a lounge, reception area, a breakfast room and study rooms/pods. In addition, a plant room and bin store room will be located at the lower ground floor level.


·  Further to this the Applicant states that occupiers would also be able to make use of the lower ground floor of the existing Q One building, which will provide a cinema room (c. 30 – 40sqm), a games room (c.80sqm), a storage area for students (c. 30-40sqm) and additional cycle stands. In addition the Developer also states that student occupiers would be given free annual membership of the nearby Pure Gym at the Merrion Centre.


Officers reported the receipt of a late objection on the grounds that the proposed development would be the fourth high rise student building in the area and would increase stress on local amenities.


Addressing the objection it was the view of officers that there would be no detriment to the mixed use character and amenities in the area, traffic would be reduced because there were less cars associated with the site and there was no displacement of housing in this area.


Members were also updated on the submission of a wind report confirming that the proposal in conjunction with the proposed 37 storey building on the opposite side of Wade Lane would not result in unsafe wind conditions and were advised that there were no outstanding highway and wind impact issues to resolve and the recommendation should be amended accordingly.


Members raised the following questions:


·  There appeared to be a significant amount of cycle spaces but would they be used.

·  The proposed development was in close proximity to the inner ring road, had the necessary investigations been carried out to ensure there would be no impact on the inner ring road curtain wall. 

·  If there was an impact on the inner ring curtain wall who would be liable

·  Would there be a pedestrian crossing located on Wade Lane.

·  Wade Lane was a wide road, could a pedestrian refuge be installed in close proximity to the proposed development

·  The windows for each apartment, did they run from floor to ceiling

·  When would work begin on site and when would it be completed by.


In responding to the issues raised, the applicant’s representative and council officers said:


·  The Highway Officer confirmed that currently there was no monitoring  of purpose built student accommodation (usage of cycle facilities) such information may be provided at a later date

·  Officers reported that a technical strategy had been provided, the applicants preferring a cantilever method of construction. The Central Area Team Leader stated that a considerable amount of experience had been obtained for construction near the ring road including agreement of the foundation construction details with the Council’s Highways Bridges Section.

·  The City Solicitor confirmed that any impact on the inner ring road that was within the “red line” of the development would be the responsibility of the applicant

·  Officers confirmed that a signalled crossing was already in place on Wade Lane.

·  The Highways Officer confirmed there was insufficient space for an additional pedestrian refuge at this location.

·  It was confirmed the windows would run from floor to ceiling

·  The applicant suggested that work would begin on site around the end of the year with possible completion by the summer of 2021


In offering comments Members raised the following issues:


·  The suggestion made by Members at the pre application stage that the position of the building be shifted appeared to be a positive contribution

·  Members welcomed the proposal suggesting it was a good scheme.


In summing up the Chair thanked all parties for their attendance and contributions suggesting Members appeared to be supportive of the application.


RESOLVED – That the application be deferred and delegated to the Chief Planning Officer for approval subject to the conditions as set out in the appendix of the submitted report (and any others which the Chief Planning Officer considers appropriate) and following the completion of a Section 106 agreement to secure the following obligations:


1. Occupation of the units by students only

2. Employment and training of local people

3. A monitoring and evaluation fee for the Travel Plan of £2500.00

4. Tree loss mitigation

5. A management fee – dependent on the number of obligations


In the event of the Section 106 agreement having not been completed within 3 months of the Panel resolution to grant planning permission, the final determination of the applications shall be delegated to the Chief Planning Officer.





Supporting documents: