Agenda item

Application 18/02523/FU - Construction of a new teaching block including landscaping, access improvements and other associated works at the University of Leeds campus, Cloberry Street, Woodhouse, Leeds.

To consider an application by the Chief Planning Officer which sets out details of an application which seeks the construction of a new teaching block including landscaping, access improvements and other associated works at the University of Leeds campus, Cloberry Street, Woodhouse, Leeds.



(Report attached)




The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report which set out details of an application which sought the construction of a new teaching block including landscaping, access improvements and other associated works at the University of Leeds campus, Cloberry Street, Woodhouse, Leeds 2.


Site photographs and plans were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.


Planning Officers together with the applicant’s representatives addressed the Panel, speaking in detail about the proposal and highlighted the following:


·  The proposed development sought to build a 6 storey teaching building as part of an expansion of facilities to meet the growing demand of the University’s Business School. The building would house lecture, tutorial and other teaching spaces as well as a ground floor ancillary A3 cafe space. This A3 café would face out on to an existing landscaped area, which was to be retained and enhanced. In addition, the proposal sought to improve pedestrian connectivity through and around the site, with better linkages to the nearby Western campus, and along Clobbery Street back into the main campus. The scheme also aims to improve the setting of the adjacent substation, which cannot be relocated by creating more greenery to effectively screen more of the structure from public view.


·  The site was an existing surface car park and landscaped green area to the north west of the University’s Estates Services and nursery buildings and was set within the Woodhouse Conservation Area and more specifically the character area within this wider definition of the Woodhouse Lane-University Precinct Conservation Area. There were a number of listed buildings in close proximity to the site, these being at: Fairbairn House, Clarendon Road and Boundary Wall, properties on Lyddon Terrace, 1-8 Woodsley Terrace and Boundary Wall, Leeds Grammar School and Leeds Grammar School Chapel.


·  The wider area was characterised by an eclectic mix of red brick former Victorian terrace houses, and a wide variety of university teaching, support services and halls of residence buildings of different architectural eras, heights and massing.


The Panel then heard from Dr H Hubbard, a local resident who was objecting to the proposal because the proposed development would impact on the parking and access arrangements for the area. Dr Hubbard was also of the view that the building was too high and imposing for the surrounding area and there was a lack of clarity in the University’s site plan as to how the proposed development would fit with the future of the temporary Estates Office building. 


Questions to the objector - None



The Panel then heard from the University’s representative Claire Linley (Planning Agent) who spoke in support of the application.


Members were informed that the University had experienced substantial growth in recent years. The proposed application would assist in the development of the Business School and would also seek to promote access to the existing spaces. There was currently uncontrolled parking in the area and this could be addressed by use of Traffic Regulation Orders.


Questions to the applicant


·  Why was this application not presented to the Panel as a pre application proposal

·  Members queried the proposed colour of the building due to its location in a red brick setting

·  Members expressed concern that views to a nearby Victorian façade would be obscured

·  The estates office building, when would temporary planning permission lapse

·  Was Cloberry Street in the control of the University

·  How many residential car parking places are likely to be displaced

·  Had any consultation taken place with local residents

·  was the University able to mitigate some of the parking issues

·  Could the cobbles on Cloberry Street be retained


In responding to the issues raised, the applicant’s representative said:


·  Members were informed that prior to submission of the application the scheme had changed and in view of the University’s aspirations to deliver the building in a particular time period it was considered not appropriate to present as a pre application proposal (The City Solicitor advised that the submission of a pre application proposal was not a material consideration)

·  The proposed colour was chosen to complement some of the existing buildings in the area but the building also had to have its own identity.

·  It was suggested that views would be lost for whatever building was erected but it should be noted that some important views would be retained.

·  It was reported that the temporary planning for the estates office would lapse in 2021.

·  Members were advised that Cloberry Street was likely to be an adopted highway, but clarification around ownership was being sought

·  The Highways Agent reported that there was some permit parking but there was a lot of uncontrolled parking in the area. In order to deliver the travel plan the uncontrolled parking had to be addressed and this would ultimately safeguard resident parking. 

·  Members were informed that a consultation event had taken place, six people had attended.

·  It was reported that the existing multi storey car park had spare capacity and the provision of a transport strategy would show there was available car parking

·  The Architects for the scheme stated the cobbles would be retained as a condition of planning approval


Questions to Council Officers


·  Was the provision of three disabled parking bays sufficient

·  Why were parking spaces on the public highway being taken away

·  Was it proposed that Cloberry Street would be closed

·  It was suggested that the submission of a Position Statement may have been useful.


In responding to the issues raised, officers said:


·  The Highways officer confirmed the level of disabled parking was in accordance with development standards

·  The Highways officer suggested that some carriageway may be lost but not necessarily parking spaces, current parking was uncontrolled

·  The Highway officer confirmed that Cloberry Street would be accessible to pedestrians and cycles only

·  The Central Area Team Leader suggested that a Position Statement for a development of this size and complexity would normally only be submitted if there were outstanding issues that officers were seeking a steer on from Plans Panel.


In offering comments Members raised the following issues:


·  The majority of Members expressed the view that they could not support this application, it was too over dominant and not in keeping with the surrounding area.

·  A discussion needs to take place about the retention of the greenspace

·  The scale and massing of the development was all wrong

·  The computer generated graphics (CGI) gave the impression that the development is a bland grey concrete building, what is required is more interesting use of materials and colour.

·  The use of materials need to respect the Conservation Area

·  Consideration needs to be given to the future of the temporary Estates Building

·  The highway/ residential parking issues had not been satisfactorily addressed

·  A fundamental rethink was required, the application should be deferred


In summing up the Chair thanked all parties for their attendance and contributions.


The Chair suggested that from the discussion it was apparent that Members were not supportive of the scheme in its present form and that further consideration around the scale/ massing of the building, the use of materials /colour and the impact on the Conservation Area was required.


RESOLVED – That the application be deferred for further consideration around the scale/ massing of the building, the use of materials /colour and the impact on the Conservation Area.




Supporting documents: