Agenda item

18/02400/FU - Detached House with detached garage land opposite 130 and 132 Main Street, Shadwell LS17 8JB

To consider the report of the Chief Planning Officer for a detached house with detached garage land opposite 130 and 132 Main Street, Shadwell LS17 8JB


(Report attached)


The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for a detached house with detached garage at land opposite 130 and 132 Main Street, Shadwell, Leeds.


Members visited the site prior to the meeting.  Site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.


Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:


·  Local Ward Members requested that the application be considered by Panel due to impact on the Conservation Area, residential amenity, listed buildings and highways.

·  There was a variety of properties on the streetscene, many were stone fronted that made a positive contribution to the area and some were listed buildings.

·  The site was previously used as a garden space and parking for 56 Ash Hill Drive which was to the rear.

·  The majority of the site fell within the Conservation Area.

·  There were some trees proposed for removal from the site.

·  The proposed property would be constructed of stone and conditions would ensure the materials were in keeping with the surrounding areas.

·  There had not been any objections from the Conservation Team.

·  Highways did not expect any road safety issues.

·  The boundary wall would be moved inwards which would widen the pavement and improve access.

·  Trees within the site to be removed were considered to be of a low quality.

·  The application was recommended for approval.


Local residents addressed the Panel with concerns and objections to the application.  These included the following:


·  Concern that there had not been any discussion with the Conservation Team prior to recommending the application for approval.  It was felt a full a full conservation appraisal should be carried out.

·  The boundary hedge needed to be retained and needed a protection area for its roots.

·  The traffic report was flawed – the parking strip was for the use of 153 Main Street and not 56 Ash Hill Drive

·  The report did not address the impact on the adjacent listed building.  The excessively large proposed building and garage would block views.

·  The housing benefit was only modest and did not offer affordable housing and should therefore be rejected.

·  Effects on amenity of surrounding properties including outlook and overshadowing.

·  In response to Members questions, the following was discussed:

o  The Shadwell Neighbourhood Plan was still under development.

o  The high garage roof would obstruct long distance views.


The applicant addressed the Panel.  Issues highlighted included the following:


·  The building would be constructed with reclaimed stone and slate and would be a high quality design for the conservation area and proximity to listed buildings.

·  It was intended to retain the boundary hedges.

·  The land was formerly under ownership and use of 56 Ash Hill Drive.  The applicant now owned the land.

·  The proposals all met guidance contained in Neighbourhoods for Living document.

·  In response to Members questions, the following was discussed:

o  The garage height had been kept to a minimum with a pitched roof, there was some possibility of moving it within the site.

o  It would be possible to move the building a little further forward but this would lose the vehicle turning area.

o  The current use for parking by the occupant of 153 Main Street was at the applicant’s generosity.


In response to comments and questions, the following was discussed:


·  The Shadwell Neighbourhood Plan was currently at pre-submission stage and could only be afforded limited weight.

·  Concerns regarding road safety during construction – there could be conditions to the application to resolve any safety issues.

·  It was not felt that the proposals were oversized when the rest of the streetscene was taken into consideration.

·  Whether the roofline of the garage could be lowered or a flat roof be used.


RESOLVED – That approval be deferred and delegated to officers subject to the suggested conditions and:

·  A revised plan received that reduces the pitch of the garage roof.

·  An additional condition requiring the submission of a construction management plan.



Supporting documents: