Agenda item

Inner South Community Committee Delegated Budget

To consider a report from the South East Area Leader setting out the delegated budget position for the Community Committee and inviting Members to consider the wellbeing applications submitted.




The South East Area Leader submitted a report which presented the delegated budget position for the Community Committee.


The report set out in detail the following:


-  Details of the Wellbeing Budget position

-  An update on both the revenue and youth activities fund elements of the Wellbeing budget

-  Details of revenue projects agreed to date

-  Details of Youth Activities Fund agreed to date

-  Details of Capital Budget agreed to date

-  Details of project proposals for consideration and approval

-  Details of the projects approved via Delegated Decision


As part of the introduction to the report, the Committee was invited to note a correction to paragraph 10, specifically that£159,442.19 had been allocated from the 2018/19 Wellbeing Revenue Budget, which left an overall balance of £60,655.20. 


Members also received some supplementary information at the meeting, which outlined the small grants balance for 2018/19.


The following were in attendance:


-  Martin Hackett, Area Improvement Manager, Citizens and Communities

-  Lyn Bambury, Area Officer, Citizens and Communities


Project Title


Amount requested from Wellbeing Budget


Car Parking Spaces for Allotment Users

Beeston & Holbeck

£2945.00 (Capital)


Hanging Baskets/Barrier Troughs

Beeston & Holbeck, (£500), Hunslet & Riverside, (£500)

£1000.00 (Revenue)


Middleton Rangers ARLFC

Middleton Park

£9459.20 (Revenue)


2 x Speed Indicator devices

Beeston & Holbeck

£6220.00 (Capital)


Cottingley play area

Beeston & Holbeck

£16,000.00 (Capital) £4,000.00



Child Sexual Exploitation Project

Beeston & Holbeck, (£3,334) Hunslet & Riverside, (£3,333), Middleton

Park (£3,333)

£10,000.00 (Revenue)


LGBT+ Sport Fringe Festival

Beeston & Holbeck (£666.00), Hunslet & Riverside (£666.00), Middleton

Park (£667.00)

£2000.00 (Revenue)


Additional Inner South Environmental Budget

Middleton Park

£1,000.00 (Revenue)



In relation to the above applications, Members discussed a number of matters:


·  Concerns regarding financial contingency for the Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) Project by St Lukes Cares. Representatives from the Shine Project (St Lukes Cares) were in attendance and assured Members that income is acquired from a number of sources, including their nail bar and charity shops, and that the project’s longevity is not reliant on Wellbeing funding. When considering this application, Members discussed the issue of CSE in the Inner South area, and highlighted the need for robust data to be gathered on this issue. Councillor Scopes, Children’s Services Committee ‘Champion’ and member of the Corporate Parenting Board, undertook to liaise further with the organisation on this issue.

·  Members enquired as to whether the Middleton Rangers ARLFC had secured use of the field in relation to their wellbeing application, to which a representative present at the meeting confirmed.




a)  That the contents of the report be noted

b)  That the revenue projects previously agreed and listed within Table 1 of the report be noted

c)  That the activities fund projects previously agreed and listed within Table 2 of the report be noted

d)  That the capital budgets previously already agreed and listed within Table 3 of the report be noted

e)  That the Wellbeing applications as set out in the report, be determined as set out in the table above

f)  That the projects approved by Delegated Decision Notification be noted

g)  That the small grants position, as detailed within the supplementary information tabled at the meeting, be noted



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