To consider a report from the Director of Resources and Housing in support of discussions on the importance of greater collaboration on housing, the environment and health issues.
(Report attached)
The Director of Resources and Housing submitted a report in support of discussions on the importance of greater collaboration on housing, the environment and health issues.
The following were in
- Neil Evans, Director of Resources and Housing (LCC)
- Tony Cooke, Chief Officer for Health Partnerships
- Jenny Fisher, Principal Design Officer (LCC)
The Director of Resources and Housing introduced the report and spoke to a PowerPoint presentation, highlighting the following key areas:
· Housing as a key determinant of health and wellbeing, and understanding the connection between housing and employment.
· The Board identified one of the greatest challenges as being low quality conditions in the private rented sector, particularly in our deprived communities and in the context of a decline in home ownership
· The increase in residential dwellings in the City Centre, and the need for health infrastructure to support the new influx of residents.
· Homelessness trends across the city, including a reduction in the amount of temporary accommodation used to home families. However, the Board were informed of the prominence of issues associated with ‘street users’, particularly in relation to drug and alcohol abuse.
· The focus on ensuring future developments included child friendly community spaces.
During discussions, the Board considered the following:
· Models of co-location were reported to be successful in shared buildings such as Tribeca House. Although the Board recognised that this approach was not always practical, Members encouraged consideration of co-location for housing and health / social care teams where possible.
· The trend of more affluent areas influencing planning decisions through Neighbourhood Plans, and the need for further engagement with deprived communities to ensure that planning decisions are community led.
· The use of Local Care Partnerships to integrate housing officers into health / social care teams and the third sector.
· That health and care colleagues would benefit from greater knowledge of planning and design, particularly in relation to legislation and barriers to housing improvements.
· The planned increase in residential dwellings in the city centre, and thus the need for strong health and social care infrastructure to support families, along with green spaces.
· That spaces and places undergoing development and redesign must be welcoming for all ages and demographics of our population.
· The need for more systematic lobbying to rise the standards for privately rented homes across the city, to tackle poor living conditions in the sector. This issue was agreed to be incorporated into the Board’s work plan.
· The availability of digital technology in future developments and for future generations, as a tool to ensure better connectivity between communities and the services they require.
a) To note the Board’s suggestions to further integration between housing, environment and health partners at both strategic and operational levels.
b) To note the Board’s discussions around priority areas for future consideration and collaboration on housing issues which have an impact on health.
c) To agree to use the learning from the NHS England Healthy New Towns and best practice (including Wakefield Housing, Health and Social Care Partnership) to provide strategic direction and influence for partners including the NHS, Local Care Partnerships, LCC Planning and Highways.
d) To endeavour to help drive the work forward locally and regionally in line with a Health in all Policies approach and the Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
e) To note the aims, principles and progress of the Planning and Design for Health and Wellbeing group to date.
Supporting documents: