Agenda item

Preapp/17/00631 - Scarcroft Cottage, Wetherby Road, Scarcroft, Leeds

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding a pre-application for the change of use to a C2 Care Community with 152 units of accommodation and 9 dwellings


The report of the Chief Planning Officer set out a pre-application enquiry submitted by Gaunt Francis Architects on behalf of Audley Court Ltd for the demolition of buildings and redevelopment of site for a community care village including conversion of a Grade ll listed building at Scarcroft Lodge, Wetherby Road, Scarcroft.


Attending the meeting to present the pre-application enquiry were Gavin Birt of Audley Court Ltd and Ben Krauze of Gaunt Francis Architects.


Members noted that the application was for the development of a brownfield site. Mr Birt informed the Panel that there were 19 of these community villages around the country. He said that the company had started out offering care homes, however, it was felt that care homes institutionalised people and they had realised that people enjoyed pleasant surroundings such as park land. Mr Birt explained that the communities provided care for people with an average age of 79-81 years of age but the community was open to all ages with 77% of people from the local area.


Members heard that the community village would have communal facilities which included: swimming pool, sauna, steam room, gym, salon and treatment rooms, lounge, library, hobbies room, restaurant, and bistro and meeting rooms. Mr Birt informed Members that it was important that residents stayed part of the local community therefore they had an open door policy with residents of the local area welcome to use the communal facilities. It was hoped that the local Parish Council would consider holding events in the meeting rooms and that there would be interaction with the local schools.


Members were informed that the proposal was for 172 units of which 148 would be apartments and 24 would be cottages. These would be located across 9 blocks within the site. The proposal included 172 parking spaces for the village residents plus 13 spaces for staff and visitors, 1 minibus space, 9 private parking spaces, 2 single private garages serving the private residential dwellings and 48 spaces were to be allocated to the cricket club. It was noted spaces would also be available for scooters.


Members heard that 75 permanent jobs would be made available with training provided. They had their own care training academy.


Members were advised that the grade ll listed building would be used to house the wellbeing spa for residents and that all listed elements of the building would be retained. The 1950’s elements of the building was to be demolished.


It was noted that this would not be a gated community and that all the spaces would be interlinked with the street running through the heart of the development.


Members were informed that the materials to be used were stone, render and slate. Members heard that a combined heating and water system which was gas fired was proposed to feed all the site.


Responding to Members questions and comments the Panel were informed of the following points:

·  There was to be a 10 metre tree buffer with the addition of more trees;

·  Proposed landscaping would include as many as possible of the trees already on site;

·  Research had found that parking 1 space to 1 unit was sufficient it was also noted that the community would have their own bus service;

·  All properties would be accessible including the three storey apartments which would have lifts;

·  Character courtyards were to be created in the village to assist people to feel safe and meet other people;

·  The application was for C2 provision and therefore couldn’t afford to provide affordable housing within this development. However it was suggested that a piece of land could be provided to the Parish Council to develop affordable housing;

·  The development would recycle as much as possible from the existing site.


Members were asked to answer the following questions:

  1. Do Members support the principle of development?
  2. Do Members support the repair, refurbishment, extension and conversion of Scarcroft Lodge, Grade ll listed building?
  3. Are Members content with the design approach?
  4. Do Members support the highway comments?
  5. Do Members agree to landscaping proposals and biodiversity?



RESOLVED – To note the report on the proposal, to provide initial views in relation to the pre-application and answer the following questions to aid progression of the application:

  • Do Members support the principle of development? Yes
  • Do Members support the repair, refurbishment, extension and conversion of Scarcroft Lodge, Grade ll listed building? Yes
  • Are Members content with the design approach? Yes
  • Do Members support the highway comments? Yes, subject to the outcome of discussions with the Cricket Club in respect of their parking provision.
  • Do Members agree to landscaping proposals and biodiversity? Yes




Councillor Arif left the meeting at 16:50 during discussion on this item.


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