Agenda item

Leeds Local Plan - Adoption of the Site Allocations Plan

To consider the report of the Chief Planning Officer which invites Executive Board to recommend to full Council that the Council notes the Inspector’s final Report on the Submission Draft 2017 Site Allocations Plan (SAP) and accepts the Inspector’s Main Modifications and adopts the Plan (subject to any further non material additional modifications being made in advance of consideration by Council).


(Appendix 2 is provided as a stand alone document)



Further to Minute No. 143, 14th January 2019, the Chief Planning Officer submitted a report which invited Executive Board to recommend to full Council that: the Council note the Inspector’s final report on the Submission Draft 2017 Site Allocations Plan (SAP), accepts the Inspector’s Main Modifications and adopts the Site Allocations Plan (subject to any further non-material additional modifications being made in advance of consideration by Council).


It was noted that following the despatch of the agenda papers, and prior to the meeting, Board Members had received a note detailing several corrections which related to the Executive Board covering report and Appendix 2, together with updated versions of the relevant table and plans, which were to be taken into consideration by Members as part of the Board’s deliberations on the matter.


Responding to Members’ comments and concerns, the Board discussed and received further information regarding:

·  How the SAP, as submitted, with inclusion of the Inspector’s recommended Main Modifications, had been deemed as being ‘sound’ by the Inspector;

·  Members welcomed that the adoption of the SAP would enable a 5 year land supply to be confirmed and a plan-led approach to be taken, moving forward;

·  The time which had taken to get to the current position, and the implications of that timescale;

·  The current housing requirement figures, and how that level of requirement was being reviewed as part of the ongoing and separate Core Strategy Selective Review process, and how a review of the SAP would be required following the adoption of the CSSR;

·  Members discussed the reasons why issues had been experienced regarding levels of development on brownfield land in recent years, with it being highlighted that the Authority continued to liaise with Government on this issue, and with a request being made that further opportunity to consider this matter be sought;

·  Members discussed the proportion of brownfield and green belt sites detailed in the submitted plan which had been allocated for housing;

·  Members discussed the associated infrastructure provision needed to facilitate the housing requirement moving forward, and the need for any future developments to be sustainable.


On behalf of the Board, the Chair extended her thanks to officers and all who had engaged in the process to date, for getting the Plan to this advanced stage.


RESOLVED – That subject to the incorporation of the ‘corrections’, as submitted to Board Members prior to the meeting for their consideration, full Council be recommended to:-


(i)  Note the Inspectors’ final Report of the Leeds Site Allocations Plan and accept the Main Modifications of the Inspectors’, as detailed in their Report (June 2019) presented at Appendix 1 to the submitted Executive Board report;

(ii)  Adopt the draft Site Allocations Plan (version for Adoption), as detailed at Appendix 2 to the submitted report,with effect from 10th July 2019, pursuant to Section 23 of the Planningand Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended);

(iii)  Note the deletion of saved Unitary Development Plan policies, that will be superseded by the Plan (as set out in Appendix 3 of the Plan detailed at Appendix 2 to the submitted report).


(The matters referred to within this minute, given that they were decisions being made in accordance with the Budget & Policy Framework Procedure Rules, were not eligible for Call In, as Executive and Decision Making Procedure Rule 5.1.2 states that the power to Call In decisions does not extend to those decisions being made in accordance with the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules)

Supporting documents: