To consider the report of the Relationship Manager, Department for Work and Pensions which provides an update on Universal Credit in Leeds.
(Report attached)
Prior to the item, the Chair read out the following statement on behalf of all Inner East Community Committee Councillors:
“At Leeds City Council we help people to navigate the existing benefits system. Vulnerable members of our community are struggling to access the support they need and deserve because of long and intimidating application forms and online processes and convoluted tribunal waiting times.
Many people are having to fight protracted battles to receive benefits that they should never have been denied in the first place. The consequences of an ineffective welfare system can be devastating, and Universal Credit arrears destined to worsen the situation.
We are not complicit in a scheme which results in further adversity and punishment for vulnerable people.
We support all efforts to challenge and change a system that causes threats of domestic violence, multiple examples of sanctions and misery and deprivation over Xmas forcing yet more people to use Foodbanks – with all the echoes of “I Daniel Blake”.”
A presentation and update on the implementation of Universal Credit was provided by the following;
· Simon Betts, Relationship Manager, Department for Work & Pensions
· Glynis Logan, Housing Manager, Gipton
· Nick Hart, Community Hub Manager
· Saleem Shafi, Operations Manager, Money Buddies
Simon Betts highlighted that Universal Credit will replace 6 existing benefits including:
- Income based Employment and Support Allowance
- Working Credits
- Income Support
- Child TAX Credits
- Income based job seekers allowance
- Housing benefit
· Payments will be one single transaction, paid monthly, to one individual per household.
· Universal Credit is based upon the amount of money an individual earns per month as opposed to how many hours worked.
· The process for making the claim online and the measures in place for assisting individuals in need of additional support.
· Alternative payment/repayment arrangements in place; advanced payments, managed payments.
· Universal Credit would allow claimants to work more than 16 hours a week
Members were advised to direct residents’ to the referenced web-link, for further advice and information –
In response to questions, the Committee was advised of the following points:
· Payments could be split if the DWP was made aware of a vulnerable family
· People will be assigned a caseworker
· Support was available through local hubs using DWP outreach facilities and staff visits
· Visits to all tenants every 12 months
· LCC Housing Services and DWP will be working in partnership
· Those in supported housing will continue to be paid by the local authority
· Claimants would not be sanctioned for making mistakes on applications
· Telephone service in place to assist with advice 9-5 weekdays
Glynis Logan provided the Board with local Universal Credit statistics, including the number of cases within the locality. She gave an overview of the support work to claimants provided by LCC Housing Services, their partnership work with the DWP and other services; and the sign-posting work to direct claimants requiring further assistance and advice.
Members commented that the statistics did not provide the full picture as they did not cover all 3 wards within the Inner East CC area and related only to claimants in social housing and did not include the private rented sector.
Nick Hart informed the Board of the support provided to claimants through the 35 Community Hubs across Leeds; which included providing on-line access and digital assistance; access to interpreters, sign-posting to further support for personal budgeting services and advocacy support for making and maintaining a claim.
One Member requested that consideration be given to the provision of a pop-up Hub within the Burmantofts & Richmond Hill ward which did not currently have a Community Hub, subject to the availability of suitable facilities.
Saleem Shafi provided information on the work of Money Buddies which could provide legal debt advice and protection to claimants who may get into financial difficulties. An emergency service is offered for clients, particularly those suffering with mental health illnesses. It was reported that over the last 12 months, 2000 people had been supported and an additional service, Benefit Buddies had also been established.
The Chair thanked officers for their attendance, updates and partnership work, providing support together in the local area.
A. Note the contents of the presentation
B. Request that local statistics for Universal Credit in the Seacroft Ward, are provided to Local Ward Members.
Supporting documents: