Agenda item

Application 17/06830/FU - Land adjacent to 4 Redcote Lane, Armley, Leeds, LS4 2AL

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for the development of a 49.99mw battery energy storage system (BESS) comprising 25 containers, transformers, sub-stations, cabling and other ancillary apparatus and enclosure.



The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for the development of a 49.99mw battery energy storage system (BESS) compromising 25 containers, transformers, sub-stations, cabling and other ancillary apparatus and enclosure.


Members visited the site prior to the meeting and site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.


Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:


·  The installation would provide a battery energy storage system that collected energy from the National Grid and returned to the sytem when required.

·  There had been 8 objections with regard to amenity, ecology and loss of open space.

·  The site was close to existing developments for electricity infrastructure and currently used for caravan storage.  There was a marina to the south and to the west was Gotts Park Golf course.

·  The site was green space under the UDP but this would be removed under the emerging SAP due to existing business use.

·  The Panel was made aware of existing public rights of way adjacent to the site.

·  The control building would be sited next to Redcote Lane and the facing and roofing materials would be subject to approval prior to construction.

·  The battered would be kept in containers on the eastern compound of the site and would be finished in a dark green colour.

·  There would be a landscaping scheme to the southern boundary of the site.

·  Although there was conflict with the UDP it was felt that on balance that the application should be recommended for approval.


In response to Members comments and questions, the following was discussed:


·  There would be some noise emitted from the installation and a background noise report had been submitted.  There had not been any objection from statutory consultees with regard to this.

·  The batteries would be in sealed containers and those containers sited on plinths to prevent any damage from flooding.

·  There were no plans to improve visual amenity along Redcote Lane.  The main points of the site for improvements to visual amenity had been identified by the towpath and southern boundary.

·  The permission was for a 25 year period.  In the event of cessation the development would be removed and the site restored.

·  The land between the two compounds would remain within the existing planning permission which is currently used for caravan storage.

·  The current landscaping condition could be amended to consider planting adjacent to Redcote Lane.

·  There would be a preference for the control building to be finished in a stone style material and for landscaping plans to be submitted to Ward Members prior to approval.


RESOLVED – That the application be approved as per the officer recommendation and conditions outlined in the report.  Also the following:


  • Amendment of Landscape condition (No5) to include landscaping consisting of a scheme to under plant existing trees along Redcote Lane.
  • An additional condition to ensure Battery housings are coloured dark green. 
  • Condition re materials to Control housing be artificial stone.
  • Consultation with Ward Members on planting scheme along Redcote




Supporting documents: