Agenda item

Neighbourhood Planning - Update

To receive a report from the Chief Planning Officer which provides an update on Neighbourhood Planning Activity in the Outer North East Area.



(Report attached)


The Neighbourhood Planning Officer submitted a report which provided an update on the neighbourhood planning activity in the Outer North East area of the city.


Ian Mackay, Neighbourhood Planning Officer, City Development addressed the Committee providing an update and commentary on the following:


Made Neighbourhood Plans in Outer North East:


·  Alwoodley

·  Bardsey-cum-Rigton

·  Barwick in Elmet and Scholes

·  Boston Spa

·  Clifford

·  Collingham

·  Linton

·  Thorp Arch

·  Walton



It was reported that discussions had been taking place between Officers, Members and the Parish Council. The Parish Council was considering a Selective Review of the Neighbourhood Plan and would be looking into this further early in 2019.


Members were informed that a Selective Review was an unusual situation, very few had been undertaken. It would be for the Examiner to decide if the Parish Council were seeking a significant policy change, if yes a second referendum would need to take place. Currently awaiting a decision from the Parish Council as to how to proceed.




Stage: Made


·  The Walton Neighbourhood Plan went to a referendum on Thursday 20th September. The referendum results were as follows:




106 (90.6%)


11 (9.4%)




·  The Plan was subsequently made by the Council on 24th October 2018 and would be used to help determine planning applications in the Walton Neighbourhood Area.




Stage: Examination


Terry Heselton had undertaken the independent examination of the Scarcroft Neighbourhood Plan. The examiner’s report recommended that subject to proposed modifications being made, the Plan could proceed to a referendum.


·  A Decision Statement would be published shortly that would set out the examiner’s recommended modifications and the Council’s response.

·  It was anticipated that the Referendum could take place in mid-February 2019.




Stage: Post-Examination


·  Chris Collison had undertaken the independent examination of the Bramham Neighbourhood Plan. The examiner’s report recommended that subject to proposed modifications being made the Plan could proceed to referendum.

·  A Decision Statement had been published that sets out the examiner’s recommended modifications and the Council’s response. It also agreed that the Plan could proceed to a referendum.

·  It was anticipated that the Referendum could take place in mid-February 2019, on the same date as the Scarcroft Referendum.

Aberford and District


Stage: Examination


·  Ann Skippers had been appointed to undertake the examination on the draft Neighbourhood Plan.

·  Due to an EU Court of Justice Judgement which officers updated on at the previous Committee Meeting, the examination of the Aberford Neighbourhood Plan had been delayed. Officers would update Members as the examination process moves forward and would continue to liaise with the Parish Council to resolve this issue.



Stage: to be Submitted for Examination


·  Terry Heselton had been appointed as the independent examiner for the Plan.

·  The Town Council would be submitting the Plan shortly, officers had been working with the Town Council in order to finalise the neighbourhood plan submission documents.

Other Neighbourhood Plans in Preparation


·  Shadwell Parish Council conducted Pre-Submission Consultation on their Neighbourhood Plan between 22nd October and 3rd November. Officers would be attending the next Steering Group meeting to discuss the representations made to the consultation and to advise on next steps. It is anticipated that the Plan will be submitted early in the new year.

·  East Keswick Parish Council are currently re-drafting their Plan and were going to conduct the Pre-Submission Consultation early in 2019. Officers would be meeting with the Parish Council in late November to advise on the consultation process. Officers had provided a significant amount of mapping support in order to help with the preparation of the draft Plan.

·  Thorner Parish Council had resolved to continue working on the NP with the support of officers. Officers were in regular contact and were providing support with mapping, evidence and re-drafting of the NP document. The Steering Group were going to conduct some informal consultation on the early draft Plan in December.


The Chair thanked the Neighbourhood Planning Officer for his attendance and for proving the latest information available.


RESOLVED – That the update on neighbourhood planning activity be noted and welcomed


Supporting documents: