Agenda item

Priority 8 - A Stronger Focus on Prevention

To consider the report of the Director of Public Health presenting an overview of the range of preventative work occurring in Leeds to achieve our ambition, vision and explore how they are working together to address the emerging headlines from the Joint Strategic Assessment.


(Report attached)


The Director of Public Health submitted a report that presented an overview of the range of preventative work occurring in Leeds to achieve our ambition, vision and explore how they are working together to address the emerging headlines from the Joint Strategic Assessment.


The following were in attendance:


-  Deb Lowe, Advanced Health Improvement Specialist, Leeds City Council

-  Anna Frearson, Chief Officer / Consultant in Public Health, Leeds City Council

-  Gill Keddie, Active Leeds Development Manager, Leeds City Council

-  Victoria Eaton, Chief Officer / Consultant in Public Health, Leeds City Council

-  Catherine Ward, Health Improvement Principal, Leeds City Council


The above attendees introduced the report and highlighted key messages from the three sections of the report, which included:


·  Local Government Healthy Weight Declaration. The Board were provided with an overview of the framework of the declaration, along with the 14 commitments and 6 local priorities. Members heard that LCC was one of sixteen organisations who had adopted the Healthy Weight Declaration, and it was now the intention to encourage other organisations to sign up and expand the partnership.

·  Physical Activity Approach. The Board heard that consultation had begun to inform a new strategy, which has led to the development of ‘physical activity conversations’ to take place in the community and a social movement campaign.

·  Mental Health Protection Concordat. Members were informed that the work has been informed by a national framework agreed in 2017, and provides an opportunity to challenge and analyse current systems.


During discussions, the Board considered the following:


·  The interrelation between issues, and support for engaging organisations across the city to provide direction. There was also a suggestion that all three projects be integrated to form a package that organisations can sign up to.

·  The importance of preventive measures for children and young people. A request for a child-friendly version of the wheel of health benefits of physical activity, to provide more relatable examples of ill-health.

·  Better articulating the substantial long term saving for the ‘Leeds Pound’ associated with improving mental health, particularly in relation to numbers of children looked after and the impact of parents with mental health problems. Children and Families representatives offered to contribute further evidence around this.

·  The stigma and discrimination associated with mental health services, and thus the benefits of programmes that positively impact mental health without being named as ‘mental health programmes’ – such as healthy eating and exercise programmes.

·  Members emphasised the importance of a whole family approach and were asked to provide feedback on the consultation of the new draft Leeds Young Carers Strategy by 09 January 2019.

·  The Board heard that a key message from the Big Leeds Chat was people’s desire and need to take responsibility for their own health, but the challenge in doing so due to the variety of other responsibilities e.g. work, childcare etc.

·  Engaging children and young people at an early age to embed the importance of being physically active and mentally healthy through schools and earlier.

·  Recognising the importance of support networks and how children and young people who have faced challenges growing up can continue to access support into adulthood.

·  Recognising the role of Community Safety to promote physical activity (e.g. ensuring that people have access to green spaces where they feel safe).


RESOLVED – To note the Board’s feedback and comments regarding the Healthy Weight Declaration, Physical Activity conversations and evolving Social Movement, and the Mental Health Prevention Concordat.


Thea Stein left the meeting at 2:50pm, and Councillor Taylor at 3pm, during discussion of this item.



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