Agenda item

Best Council Plan Performance Report Quarter 2, 2018/19

To consider the report of the Director of City Development; Director of Children and Families; Director of Communities and Environment; and the Chief Executive, which presents a summary of the Best Council Plan (BCP) performance data for Quarter 2, 2018/19 in relation to progress against the delivery of the ambitions, outcomes and priorities contained within the BCP 2018–21.


The report of the Director of City Development, Director of Children and Families; Director of Communities and Environment and the Chief Executive provided a performance summary for quarter 2.


In attendance at the meeting were:

  • Cllr. Richard Lewis – Executive Board Member Regeneration, Transport and Planning
  • Martin Farrington – Director of City Development
  • Sue Wynne – Chief Officer Employment and Skills
  • Eve Roodhouse – Chief Officer Economic Development
  • Tim Hill – Chief Planning Officer 
  • Jason Singh – Head of Service, City Centre and Parking
  • Gary Bartlett – Chief Officer Highways and Transportation
  • Mark Jefford – Service Manager, Parking


Members were provided with information in relation to performance in the second quarter with key areas as follows:

·  Increase in private sector employment in Leeds;

·  Productivity forecast indicates that there will be an increase of 4% in 2020 in GVA;

·  Business start ups in Leeds were fewer than this point in time in the previous year. However it was noted that business start ups had fallen across England;

·  Visitors to Leeds had increased;

·  The percentage of Leeds working age population with a level 4 qualification  continued to increase;

·  Leeds had seen good growth of new homes with a resurgence of city centre living and use of brownfield sites. It was noted that there were a number of schemes currently under way;

·  The number of affordable homes was on track for the year end target;

·  The number of people killed or seriously injured in road traffic accidents had increased;

·  Park and Ride schemes were proving to be successful. There are plans to extend the scheme to others areas and plans have been submitted for the extension of the Temple Green site;

·  The flood alleviation scheme is moving forward.


The Board discussed the following points:

  • Concerns that there had been a decrease in some areas of the private sector employment such as low carbon and environmental technologies; The Chief Economic Development Officers advised that this would be looked at further and information will be provided to the Board.
  • Concerns for those in the Leeds area earning below the National Living Wage (NLW). The Board resolved to send a letter to HRMC to further identify what action is being taken to mitigate this.
  • The wide range of support and assistance offered to business start ups;
  • Visitor rates including tourist tax for hotels. However, it was specified that there is currently no legislation for this type of levy.
  • Number of students attending Leeds University and the number of  students from the local area;
  • Effectiveness of 20mph zones especially in conjunction with traffic calming solutions. Working with communities to educate road users including initiatives such as Rawdon Road Watch and to increase training and use of speed guns, partnership working with residents, Members and Schools to address the dangers of parking close to schools. The Board were advised that Anti-Social road usage and road safety is an item for consideration by the Scrutiny Board (Environment, Housing and Communities) on the 25 February 2019 ;
  • Success of the Park and Ride schemes;
  • Restricted use of cycle lanes due to cleansing issues.


RESOLVED – The Scrutiny Board (Infrastructure, Investment and Inclusive Growth):

a)  Noted the Best Council Plan Quarter 2 2018/19 performance information and to consider if they wish to undertake further scrutiny work to support improvement work in in any of these areas.

b)  Noted the narrative updates provided on car parking and City Region functions and to consider if they wish to undertake further scrutiny work to support improvement work in either of these areas.

c)  To receive the additional information requested.

d)  Requested that the Chair write to HRMC on behalf of the Board to identify what action is being taken against employers paying less that the legal minimum living wage.




Cllr. Brook vacated the meeting for a short period at the end of the end returning to the meeting at 11:40

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