Agenda item

Application No. 18/06677/FU - The development of a Park and Ride facility with car parking for up to 1,200 cars; associated single storey terminus building, landscaping, CCTV, lighting, fencing and associated infrastructure, at land adjacent to the M621 Junction 7 Roundabout, bordered by Hunslet Cemetery to the west by the A61 and the Motorway/A61 circulatory to the east and north, and the Middleton residential area to the south.

To consider a report by the Chief Planning Officer which sets out details of an application which seeks the development of a Park and Ride facility with car parking for up to 1,200 cars; associated single storey terminus building, landscaping, CCTV, lighting, fencing and associated infrastructure, at land adjacent to the M621 Junction 7 Roundabout, bordered by Hunslet Cemetery to the west by the A61 and the Motorway/A61 circulatory to the east and north, and the Middleton residential area to the south.



(Report attached)


The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for the development of a park and ride facility with car parking for up to 1,200 cars; associated single storey terminus building, landscaping, CCTV, lighting, fencing and associated infrastructure at land adjacent to the M621 Junction 7 Roundabout, bordered by Hunslet Cemetery to the west by the A61 and the motorway/A61 circulatory to the east and north and the Middleton residential area to the south.


The application had been considered at the previous meeting of the City Plans Panel when it had been deferred to allow for further detailed designs of the scheme to be submitted.


Site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.


Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:


·  The proposals presented a revised scheme following the previous meeting where concerns were expressed regarding the building design and landscaping.

·  The site was allocated for a Park and Ride Scheme in local plans and the proposals were compliant with policy.

·  There were no changes to access arrangements following the presentation at the previous meeting.

·  The terminus building would be a stone wall and weathered steel construction.  There had been no revisions to the footprint of the building but there had been alterations to the internal layout.

·  Features of the building would include a ‘green’ wall on the eastern elevation; a saw tooth roof pattern to fit in with other industrial buildings in the area and a changing places facility within the building.

·  Landscaping – it was proposed to retain as many of the existing trees as possible and there would be ornamental tree planting within the site.  There would be planting to separate the site from the adjacent cemetery with wildflower and woodland planting.

·  There was still a further consultation period following the design changes and the Panel was updated on further representations that had been received.

·  It was recommended to defer and delegate the approval of the application to the Chief Planning Officer.


A local resident addressed the Panel with concerns regarding the application.  These included the following:


·  Re-use of top soil – this had not been previously mentioned.

·  Future extensions – the report indicates there could be future applications for extensions to the scheme.

·  Parking restrictions on adjacent streets.

·  The ground was not suitable for the construction of any building.

·  Although it was considered there were some improvements it was felt that there should be further consultation with local residents.


The applicant’s representative addressed the Panel.  Issues highlighted included the following:


·  The scheme had been revised following comments made at the previous meeting.

·  There were suitable construction solutions available for building on the site.

·  The landscape strategy plan provided a local amenity as well as screening.

·  The scheme would contribute to the citywide transport strategy.


In response to comments and questions, the following was discussed:


·  Access and exit arrangements for the site.

·  A noise impact assessment had been carried out and it was concluded that the impact would not be beyond recommended levels.  The landscaping would also provide a barrier to any noise.  In relation to noise disturbance that may be heard at the cemetery it was reported that this would not be discernible from noise already generated from local roads.

·  The applicant was willing for further discussion with stakeholders and residents regarding the use of the open space which could include the provision of picnic tables.

·  Should there be any significant new issues raised before the end of the consultation period, the application would be brought back to Panel for determination.


RESOLVED – That the application be deferred and delegated to the Chief Planning Officer for approval subject to the conditions at Appendix 1, and any others which the Chief Planning Officer considers appropriate, and the expiry of the public notification period in respect of the submission of revised plans.  In the event that representations are received that raise new and significant material planning considerations, the application will be reported back to Plans Panel for determination.



Supporting documents: