Agenda item

PREAPP/18/00666 - Pre- Application proposal for residential-led mixed use scheme comprising approx. 23,000 sq.m GEA and the following uses: Commercial (Class A1) - 470.0 sq.m GEA; Residential (Class C3) - 302 dwelling houses including a mixture of apartments (266) and townhouses (36); and a total of up to 351 car parking spaces are also proposed to land
at Kirkstall Hill, Kirkstall, Leeds LS5 3BH

To consider a report by the Chief Planning Officer which sets out details of a pre- application proposal for residential-led mixed use scheme comprising approx. 23,000 sq.m GEA and the following uses: Commercial (Class A1) - 470.0 sq.m GEA; Residential (Class C3) - 302 dwelling houses including a mixture of apartments (266) and townhouses (36); and a total of up to 351 car parking spaces are also proposed to land at Kirkstall Hill, Kirkstall, Leeds,




(Report attached)




The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented a pre-application proposal for residential led mixed use scheme comprising approx. 23,000 sq.m GEA and the following uses: Commercial (Class A1) - 470.0 sq.m GEA; Residential (Class C3) - 302 dwelling houses including a mixture of apartments (266) and townhouses (36); and a total of up to 351 car parking spaces are also proposed to land at Kirkstall Hill, Kirkstall, Leeds LS5 3BH.


Members visited the site prior to the meeting.  Site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the pre-application proposals.


The applicant’s representatives presented the proposals.  Issues highlighted included the following


·  The applicant was experienced in developing specialised mixed use brownfield sites and creating a quality environment and sustainable community.  Examples of other developments across the UK were shown.

·  Challenges due to the gradient of the site.  There was a 30 metre difference in levels.

·  History of previous uses at the site.

·  Constraints due to the heavy local traffic.

·  The emerging design reflected the existing layout of the area with roads through the site.

·  The proposals would include a mixture of townhouses and apartments which would be mixed together throughout the site.

·  Landscaping details

·  Vehicular access to the site

·  There would be undercroft parking throughout the site


A Local Ward Councillor addressed the Panel.  Issues highlighted included the following:


·  The proposals were broadly welcomed.

·  More affordable housing would be preferred.

·  Some concern regarding the height of the proposed buildings.

·  Concern regarding significant traffic increase from this and other sites.

·  Limited parking may lead to overspill parking on local streets.

·  If there was to be off site greenspace contributions it would be preferred if these could be used for the Kirkstall Valley Nature Reserve and riverside.

·  Possible signalisation of Beecroft Street.


In response to comments and questions, the following was discussed:


·  Traffic became gridlocked at both ends of Beecroft Street and would need regulating with traffic signals and pedestrian facilities.  Modifications at the Morris Lane junction would also help to ease congestion.

·  The site was well connected to sustainable facilities and transport with bus routes and cycle routes.

·  Space standards would be met.

·  The corner of the site at Kirkstall Hill and Kirkstall Lane had been identified for a retail/commercial unit.  This was proposed to be the only four storey element of the proposals.

·  There was not a great pressure on school places in the area.

·  The overgrown area at the corner of the site was under the ownership of the Council.  There had been discussions regarding clearing the overgrowth.

·  Inclusion of electric vehicle charging points.

·  Whether a cycle lane could be incorporated from Kirkstall Hill to Kirkstall Lane.

·  Inclusion of chimneys on the dwellings.

·  The proposals were more practical than previous schemes that had been put forward for this site.

·  Design and materials to be used.  It would be pleasing to see a variety of materials to reflect those of the area.

·  A request that an Edward VII post box opposite the disused post office be protected.


Further to questions outlined in the report, Members were supportive of the proposed use of the site for a predominantly residential scheme.  There was also agreement with the current proposed housing mix.


RESOLVED – That the report and presentation be noted.



Supporting documents: