To consider the report of the Leeds Anti-Social Behaviour Team (LASBT) which provides the Community Committee with an update on the review of the service.
(Report attached)
Neil Bowden, Anti-Social Behaviour Team Manager, was in attendance at the meeting and presented the report on Leeds Anti-Social Behaviour Team (LASBT) review.
Members were informed of the following points:
· LASBT is now a multi-agency team which includes Police, Fire and Rescue services, Housing Leeds, Belle Isle Tenants Management Organisation Youth Offending and Victim Support;
· Three locally based teams covering South and City Centre, East North East and West North West deliver a specialist ASB service;
· Service standards have been made uniform to ensure consistency of delivery across all teams;
· 60% of issues are noise related and the domestic noise and out of hours noise nuisance teams have now joined LASBT and are currently located within the Leedswatch Service;
· The complex issues of ASB need to be undertaken by more than one agency and it was acknowledged that a partnership approach was required to address the causes of ASB;
· A triage system is proposed to assess the severity of incoming cases to assist in the decision making and that this is best done at the first point of contact;
· Staff training will ensure that officers are confident using all the tools available to them, empower them to provide robust advice, deliver successful early intervention;
· A report is currently scheduled to go to Executive Board in June 2019 for consideration of the final scheme.
In response to questions, the following was discussed:
· Members acknowledged that in relation to noise reporting, transferring calls and staff training has been an issue. It was noted a ‘what goes where’ guidance document, is being produced by the Police and LASBT to provide clarity on where particular issues should be reported, to alleviate confusion issues for residents.
· Members referred to Figure 1 of the report, setting out the current ASB structure and were informed of the temporary staffing arrangements in place.
· The difficulties surrounding private tenancies and not being able to take action with evictions; there are closer working partnerships with the private rented team, to put pressure on landlords.
· The issues in relation to 24/7 licensed stores and creating a lot of problems for ASB and the police. Members were informed the ASB Team have obtained a list of off licenses and have been in touch with the police and council licensing team, to look at how hot spots will be identified. Members acknowledged that East Leeds is a diverse area and identifying ways to educate and approach residents is an issue.
Inspector Mick Preston was in attendance, and informed Members of the following points:
· 55 calls related to street drinking in the Gipton and Harehills Ward in March 19; 22 being on Harehills Lane.
· Cohesion work is on-going and a there is a police funding bid for an extensive engagement project over a 40 week period.
· The online recording/reporting system has been amended to enable residents to pick motorcycles/quads as a specific category.
· Confidence in reporting issues as the system has been amended; reporting calls are up by 25%
Members acknowledged that incidents are underreported and encouragement is needed in the Community.
The Committee were in agreement in their support and appreciation of the good work from the ASB Team and the Police.
RESOLVED – To note the contents of the report and information provided at the meeting.
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