Agenda item

18/02444/FU - Proposed 3 storey extension to form bar/restaurant with managers flat above at land adjacent to former Yorkshire Bank, 53-55 Harrogate Road, Chapel Allerton

The report of the Chief Planning Officer requests Members consideration on an application for proposed 3 storey extension to form bar/restaurant with managers flat above at land adjacent to former Yorkshire Bank, 53-55 Harrogate Road, Chapel Allerton.


(Report attached)


The report of the Chief Planning Officer set out a proposal for a 3 storey extension to form bar/restaurant with managers flat above at land adjacent to former Yorkshire Bank, 53-55 Harrogate Road, Chapel Allerton.


Members had visited the site earlier in the day. During the presentation photographs and plans were shown.


Members were informed of the following points:

·  The site is in the Chapel Allerton Town Centre, and was described as a gap site, the proposal was for a three storey extension to the side of the former Yorkshire Bank Building which is now a Starbucks coffee emporium;

·  The ground and first floor to consist of a bar and restaurant whilst the second floor would be the managers flat;

·  The frontage of the proposed building to be set back and at a lower level to present a degree of subservience to the former Yorkshire Bank building which has been identified as a positive building within Chapel Allerton Conservation Area Appraisal;

·  The proposed frontage to be highly glazed and of modern design;

·  Servicing of the premises would be via the front of the building where there is a layby which can be used. It was proposed that the deliveries would take place between 6:30am and 7:30am;

·  Refuse to be collected from the rear of the premises;

·  The application was brought to Panel by a Ward Member due to concerns relating to the proliferation of drink and food based units in the Town Centre and the impact on the retail viability;

·  11 letters of objection and 4 letters in support had been received. Comments were set out at points 6.2 and 6.3 of the submitted report;

·  The proposed building would have a flat roof which is in keeping with the character of the area;

·  There are residential properties close by at the rear of the site, along with flats above the business premises;

·  Sound insulation would be a condition if approved;

·  A more detailed service management plan had been requested from the applicant;

·  A number of plans were considered as part of the planning process including The Chapel Allerton Conservation Appraisal and CANPlan (Chapel Allerton Neighbourhood Plan);

·  The developer has agreed should the proposal be approved to contribute £10,000 towards the public realm works which are subject to public consultation regarding realignment of the junction of Harrogate Road and Stainbeck Lane; 


Members were advised of a correction to the submitted report at 8.3 – CANPlan not an adopted SPD but Conservation Area Appraisal is. This SPD comments on the desire to create a public square at Stainbeck Corner and an identified action is:

·  Explore options for enhancing public realm on Stainbeck Corner.


A further letter of objection had been received since the report had been submitted and listed the following concerns:

·  New build no necessary as vacant units in area;

·  Area saturated with food and drink outlets;

·  Contrary to Cumulative Impact Policy.

·  Noise, rubbish and anti-social behaviour.


The Panel were reminded that a Cumulative Impact Policy was not a matter for planning but a licensing policy.


A resident of Chapel Allerton and member of CANPlan attended the meeting and addressed the Panel highlighting the following concerns:

·  CANPlan is due to become policy;

·  The proposed site is infill;

·  The former Yorkshire Bank is an iconic building and should have space around it. The building was art deco and was designed to stand alone;

·  The proposed building would detract from a beautiful iconic building;

·  To proposed building looks to be poor quality. It was acknowledged there was a need for a 21st century design, the resident however, was of the opinion that this was not the one;

·  Noise and disruption in the town centre and to residents who live close by;

·  It was the view that the wall could be removed and pleasant area be created with planting;

·  Access from the rear for the bins would be difficult;

·  If an area is provided for public realm the layby would not be there and make it difficult for deliveries;


In response to questions from Members, the Panel were advised of the following:

·  Condition to be added with regard to any future split of ownership between the former bank building and the proposed new building;

·  The Yorkshire Bank building would remain the dominant building alongside the parade of shops;

·  Planning and Legal provided clarity on area for public realm, and also that any proposals would have to consider the needs of parking and servicing;

·  There was a level threshold to the proposed building for disabled access. However, on the designs submitted there was no lift shown to gain access to the upper floor. It was noted that this issue would be looked at as per Building Regulations.


RESOLVED – To grant planning permission in accordance with the officer recommendation and to include an additional condition with regard to split ownership of the former Yorkshire Bank building and the proposed new building.



Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor Wadsworth required it to be recorded that he abstained during the vote.

Supporting documents: