Agenda item

Finance Report

To receive the report of the Area Leader which provides the Outer West Community Committee with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund and the Youth Activities Fund for 2018/19 and the current position of the Small Grants and skips pots.


The report also provides an update on the Wellbeing Fund, Youth Activity Fund, Small Grants and Skips that have been approved since the last meeting.


(Report attached)


The report of the Area Leader provided the Community Committee with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund and Youth Activities Fund for 20187/19 and the current position of the Small Grants and skips pots.


Supplementary information was presented to the Members in relation to the following:

·  YAF Project – The Breeze Challenge - £1,479.67

·  Litter Bins x8 – Calverley and Farsley - £1,680

·  Proposed projects for wellbeing Fund 2019/20


Members were advised that funding had been provided for 26 projects, £1,935 is still available for allocation for Wellbeing Revenue in the 2018/19 budget;


Members considered projects listed at Table 1, 2, and 3 of the submitted report and supplementary information.


Members were advised that no small grants or skips had been requested since the last meeting. Members noted that there was £4,043 still available for allocation for Small Grants and Skip Hire in 2018/19 budget.


Members heard that 7 projects had been funded for Youth Activities and that there is £15,349 still available for allocation for Youth Activities Fund in 2018/19 budget.


Members were informed of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) allocations available for each ward.


Members’ attention was drawn to Table 4 which set out applications for SID units in in all three wards. Members discussed the use of SID units and how effective they were in slowing down traffic. Members did raise concerns in relation to how long it took for the SID units to be installed. Members considered the applications for Farsley and Farnley and Wortley as the Pudsey application had been approved via delegated decision.


Earlier in the day Members had attended a workshop to consider projects for 2019/20. A list of the projects to go forward was tabled at the Community Committee.



·  Note the current budget position for the revenue Wellbeing Fund for 2018/19, and note or consider applications that have been approved / received since the last meeting – Table 1

·  Note the current budget position for the small grants and skips

·  Note the current budget position for the Capital Wellbeing Fund for 2018/19 and note or consider applications that have been approved / received since the last meeting – Table 2

·  Note the current budget position for the Youth Activities Fund for 2018/19 and note or consider applications that have been approved / received since the last meeting – Table 3

·  Note the current budget position for the CIL budget and note or consider applications that have been approved / received since the last meeting  - Table 4

Members approved the following projects:

·  Notice Board in Tyersal - £1,200 Table 1

·  Litter bins in Tyersal - £2,100 Table 2

·  Litter bins in Calverley and Farsley £1,680 Table 2 Supplementary Information

·  Outer West Easter Holiday Activity Programme - £1,103.38 Table 3

·  Breeze Challenge -  £1,479.67 Table 3 supplementary information

·  SID Units x6 Farsley - £18,660 Table 4

·  SID Units x2 Farnley and Wortley - ££6,220 Table 4


Members also approved the following projects for 2019/20 as follows:


Wellbeing Fund Project


Amount Requested (£)

Amount appoved/declined/deferred (£)

Small Grants & Skips

LCC - Community Committee Support Team



Communications Budget

LCC - Community Committee Support Team



Pudsey Christmas Lights

Pudsey Christmas Lights



Farsley Christmas Lights

Leeds City Council



Calverley Christmas Lights

Leeds City Council



Rodley Christmas Lights

Leeds City Council



Pudsey in Bloom 2019

Leeds City Council, Parks and Countryside



Farsley in Bloom 2019

Leeds City Council, Parks and Countryside



Calverley in Bloom 2019

Leeds City Council, Parks and Countryside



New Farnley in Bloom 2019

Leeds City Council, Parks and Countryside



Pudsey Carnival

Pusdey Carnival Committee



Farsley Festival 2019

Farsley Community Initiative



Bawn’s & Heights Community Day

Housing Leeds



Farsley Community Orchard

Farsley Community Initiative



Additional Area Resource at Tyersal Park and New Farnley Park

Leeds City Council, Parks and Countryside




Leeds City Council



Summer Bands 2019

Leeds City Council



Love Pudsey

Love Pudsey



Renovation of toilet facilities

Pudsey Voluntary Services



Teaching Young Children To Swim

Pudsey Amateur Swimming Club



Targeted Holiday Diversionary Activities

Leeds Youth Justice Service 



Summer  Holiday Targeted Provision

Leeds Youth Service



Leeds Cancer Awareness – Learning Disabilities Project

Unique Improvements



Music From The Attic - Kirkstall

Music From The Attic - Kirkstall



Forward with Hollybush

The Conservation Volunteers – Hollybush Conservation Centre



Youth Activities Fund Project


Amount Requested (£)

Amount approved/declined/deferred (£)

Breeze Friday Night Project

Leeds City Council’s Breeze Team



Pudsey Youth Cafe

Love Pudsey



DAZL Outer West Active Communities Project

Dance Action Zone Leeds



Mini Breeze

The Breeze Projects and Events team



Activity Programme for 19/20

West Leeds Activity Centre



Andy’s Youth Project

Leeds Youth Service



Multi Activity Camps

LCC - Active Leeds




Supporting documents: