To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for the demolition of derelict buildings, conversion of former printing press manufacturing building to retail use, construction of care home, retail units, eight residential units and new pay and display car park.
The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for the demolition of derelict buildings, conversion of former printing press manufacturing building to retail use, construction of a care home, retail units, six residential units and new pay and display car park.
Members visited the site prior to the meeting and site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.
Councillor Campbell informed the Panel that he had previously commented on an earlier version of the application but that he would be treating the application with an open mind and without pre-determination.
Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:
· Areas to be developed were highlighted on an aerial view of the site. These included pedestrian links, access and locations of proposed buildings.
· Proximity to the River Wharfe.
· The first phase of the development was likely to be the care home. Prior to use, existing buildings would need external restoration works. The next phase would include the car parks and new retail units.
· The proposals met the requirements of the emerging Site Allocation Plan.
· The proposals had received supporting comments from Historic England.
· The application was recommended for approval.
A representative of Otley Town Partnership and a local resident addressed the Panel with concerns and objections with regards to the proposals. These included the following:
· The proposed crossing at Church Lane would be dangerous.
· There was no dedicated delivery points for retail units.
· The footway between Church Lane and Westgate did not take account of changes in ground levels and was not in the ownership of the developer
· The residential units would not be accessible for refuse collection.
· The care home had insufficient parking for residents, staff and visitors.
· Pedestrian access to Car Park 3 - routes would be across private land.
· A pre-application submission would have been helpful.
The applicant’s representatives addressed the Panel. The following was highlighted:
· There had been a well attended public consultation event in October 2017 and wider consultation with statutory consultees.
· The proposals were in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework, the Leeds Plan and the Otley Town Council Development Brief.
· The proposals had the support of Historic England.
· Benefits of the proposals would include improved permeability and access to a closed off area; employment opportunities; provision of much needed care provision and regeneration of a derelict area.
· All proposed pedestrian and vehicular accesses were deliverable.
· The majority of existing tenants had been fully consulted and alternative premises and compensation packages had been sought.
In response to comments and questions, the following was discussed.
· It was reported that the footpath connections were key and any permission would require that they be in place prior to use of the southern car park.
· That further information should be sought from the developer with regards to additional plant on the roof of the care home.
· There were a number of internal layout issues that could be addressed by alterations such as the identification of delivery for retail units and refuse wagon access. Further detail was needed where there were level changes.
· Main highways concerns focussed on traffic modelling and potential impact on junctions. There would be further consultation with the developer with regards to this and there would also need to be further monitoring for signal timing and control.
· Existing Beech Hill car park – there was spare space to be able to move parking spaces and include a pedestrian route. There was sufficient space to be able to move parking spaces and include a pedestrian route. Any permission would be subject to a condition requiring car parking spaces to be laid out prior to first use of the development to the north of Westgate.
· Access arrangements to the site.
· Car parking provision for the care home – this would not be part of the public car parking – 18 spaces would be provided which is 4 less than recommended. There was room for extra parking but this would be at the loss of landscaping.
· The crossing point at Church Lane and exiting traffic from the car park to Westgate.
· There was some support for the proposals which would regenerate a derelict and run down site.
· A request that stone from the demolition of the wall on Church Lane be re-used.
· Any permission would be subject to a condition relating to access and parking for construction vehicles.
· The maximum number of spaces should be provided for the care home.
· Regeneration of old buildings was regarded as positive.
· Concerns regarding security for a car park that would be sited in a back street location.
· A pre-application presentation would have been useful.
· It was moved that the application be deferred to allow further detail on highways, pedestrian routes and other issues.
RESOLVED – That the application be deferred for further consideration of:
· Traffic modelling to demonstrate altered traffic flows through existing and proposed new junctions, with mitigation as necessary
· Service delivery and refuse collection arrangements including plans to show swept paths of refuse vehicles
· Detail of new car park ramps to show separate pedestrian route not dependent on steps
· Detail of crossing of Church Lane by new car park ramp to show adequate visibility
· Clearer delineation of pedestrian routes across the North of Westgate site to the footpath to the North of the site which leads to St Joseph’s school etc.
· Reuse of stone from demolition of Church Lane wall/ buildings
· Details of any extract ventilation equipment on the roof of the care home required
Supporting documents: