To consider the report of the Director of City Development that provides an update on the progress of significant schemes during 2019/20 and outlines the next steps for delivering implementation of improvements to the A61 North Bus Priority Corridor scheme and improvements to the A65 signals.
The Director of City Development submitted a report which provided an update on the progress being made on the delivery of the Leeds Public Transport Investment Programme’s (LPTIP) significant schemes during 2019/20 and outlined the next steps for delivering the implementation of improvements to the A61 North Bus Priority Corridor scheme and improvements to the A65 signals.
Responding to a Member’s concerns, officers highlighted that although significant consultations had taken place on the submitted proposals, discussions with local Ward Members were seen as continuing conversations and that should Ward Councillors have any issues, then they could be raised with relevant officers as part of the ongoing dialogue.
As part of the Board’s discussions, it was highlighted that a condition of the projects funded via the LPTIP, was that such projects were required to be substantially completed by the end of March 2021, which precluded this programme from undertaking more complex, or larger scale projects with long lead in times for delivery, but that further, separate funding would continue to be sought to help develop the transport infrastructure across the city.
Members also discussed the significant role of the bus providers and the part they played in the provision of public transport across the city, the need to continue to liaise with bus companies to ensure that the best deal was achieved for Leeds, with Members also discussing the issue of devolution and the potential impact that further local control could have in this area.
The Board also discussed the key role which needed to be played by an effective public transport service in helping to address the Climate Emergency; emphasised the need to ensure that an ambitious approach was taken in this area; discussed the options being considered to further develop park and ride facilities; and highlighted the need to ensure that projects being brought forward as part of the programme did not have unintended consequences, such as greater levels of commuter parking on residential streets.
(a) That the progress made since April 2016 in developing proposals for the relevant projects benefiting from LPTIP funding, together with the subsequent public consultation responses received, be noted;
(b) That approval be given for the remaining expenditure of £5.5 million from the existing LPTIP fund which will be used to carry out detailed design and construction of the improvements to the A61 North Bus Priority Corridor, with approval also being given for an injection of £45,039 from S106 Developer Contributions;
(c) That approval be given for the expenditure of up to £5 million from the existing LPTIP fund which will be used to contribute to the East Leeds Orbital Road (ELOR) project, to carry out the detailed design and construction of the King Lane to Stonegate Road section of the A61N Bus Priority Corridor;
(d) That approval be given for the expenditure of up to £1 million from the existing LPTIP fund which will be used to carry out detailed design and the construction of the A65 signals, with approval also being given for an injection of £252,675.95 from S106 Developer Contributions;
(e) That subject to ongoing consultation with relevant Executive Members as appropriate, it be noted that the Chief Officer for Highways and Transportation will be responsible for the implementation of the resolutions detailed above.
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