Agenda item

Developing our approach to improving health and wellbeing across West Yorkshire and Harrogate and Leeds

9.1 To consider the report of the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership that provides an overview of the development of the 5 Year Strategy for Health and Care in West Yorkshire and Harrogate to date.


9.2 To consider the report of the Leeds Health and Care Partnership Executive Group (PEG) that provides an update on the review, success of the plan to date, alignment with the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Integrated Care System and the NHS Long Term Plan and recommendations for how the plan will develop.


The Board received the following reports:


-  The report of the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health Care Partnership provided an overview of the development of the 5 year strategy for health and care in West Yorkshire and Harrogate to date.


-  The report of the Leeds Health and Care Partnership Executive Group (PEG) that provided an update on the review, success of the plan to date, alignment with the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Integrated Care System and the NHS Long Term Plan


The following were in attendance for this item:


·  Ian Holmes, West Yorkshire & Harrogate Health Care Partnership (WYH HCP)

·  Rachel Loftus, Health Partnerships

·  Tony Cooke, Chief Officer Health Partnerships

·  Paul Bollom, Head of Leeds Health and Care Plan


Ian Holmes and Rachel Loftus updated the Board on the development of the 5 year strategy for health and care in West Yorkshire and Harrogate.  The following was highlighted:


·  Work carried out across West Yorkshire and Harrogate to deliver the strategy.

·  The development of the strategy was due to be finished in Autumn 2019.

·  Proposed future model for West Yorkshire and Harrogate.

·  Improving Population Health and the need for a more focused approach on Children, Young People and Families

·  Supporting people to support themselves and how to influence decision making.


Further discussion included the following:


·  Positive impact Healthwatch has contributed to WYH HCP.

·  Health and wellbeing of children, young people and families and the importance of embedding a ‘Think Family, Work Family’ approach across West Yorkshire and Harrogate.

·  Ensuring that the public version of the narrative is accessible to citizens.

·  Role of the WYH 5 year strategy in enabling support within communities to make the ‘left shift’ approach a reality in how we commission services and address workforce challenges as a ‘wicked issue’ across the region.

·  Importance of subsidiarity of place and working at scale across WYH HCP where it makes sense to do so and there is added value with a clear rationale.

·  Importance of ensuring Health and Wellbeing Boards in WYH have early sight of, and conversations about, new initiatives and resources


RESOLVED – That the Leeds Health and Wellbeing Board is asked to:


·  Input views and ideas into the overall development of the 5 year strategy for Health and Care in West Yorkshire and Harrogate

·  Contribute specific feedback to the development of the 2 new programmes including how these can be achieved through closer working with the 6 Health and Wellbeing Boards across West and North Yorkshire.


Paul Bollom and Tony Cooke updated the Board on the Leeds Health and Care Plan.  The following was highlighted:


·  How the plan supported the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and links to working across West Yorkshire.

·  Population Health Management.

·  Key changes over the next 5 to 10 years.

·  Refresh of the Plan.

·  Ongoing work for aligned and shared priorities.

·  Issues to consider including learning disability, mental health and poverty impacts.


Further discussion included the following:


·  Welcomed the clarity that the Leeds Plan is the transformation programme for the health and care system rooted within the Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy

·  Welcomed the focus on mental health and challenges for BAME communities and children and young people.

·  Importance of parity of esteem between physical and mental health and the role of physical activity in improving mental health and wellbeing was noted.

·  Welcomed the focus on prevention and improving population health by tackling the social determinants of health and wellbeing through a ‘causes of causes’ approach linked to the wider Health and Wellbeing and Inclusive Growth strategies

·  Welcomed the focus on improving the contribution of the NHS and primary care to narrowing the gap in healthy behaviours (smoking, physical activity, healthy eating, obesity, alcohol/drugs), premature mortality and long term conditions as part of the Leeds Plan

·  Discussion of the proposed shared priorities and the opportunities to go further in these areas to collectively address the demographic challenges outlined in the Joint Strategic Assessment with a focus on children and older people within communities that experience the highest levels of deprivation.

·  Further exploration to occur around creating the strategic infrastructure to tackle poverty through the Health and Wellbeing Board and Inclusive Growth Partnership Board.

·  Further work to shape up priorities around tackling homelessness, ensuring better health outcomes for Children Looked After and supporting vulnerable groups into employment as priorities linked to the Leeds Plan and delivered in partnership with other strategies and plans.

·  Noted that climate change and health will be increasingly important and shared priorities will emerge from conversations.


RESOLVED – That the Health and Wellbeing Board is asked to:


·  Note the progress and process to review the Leeds Plan to ensure it continues to meet the needs of the changing health and care landscape.

·  Note further development to occur in the context of the NHS Long Term Plan and West Yorkshire and Harrogate draft 5 year strategy.

·  Support the outcomes focused approach to reviewing the Leeds Plan.

·  Support the ‘obsessions’ led approach and to further engage and develop the three proposed ‘obsession’ areas.

·  Support the further strengthening of strategic links with other key boards by developing linking priorities/shared obsessions.



Supporting documents: