Agenda item

Application for the grant of a premises licence for Pizza Torino Ltd 52-54 Westgate, Otley, LS21 3AS

The report of the Chief Officer of Elections and Regulatory requests Members consideration on an application for the grant of a premises licence for Pizza Torino Ltd 52-54 Westgate, Otley, LS21 3AS


(Report attached)


The Chief Officer Elections and Regulatory submitted a report that set out an application for the grant of a premises licence for Pizza Torino Ltd, 52-54 Westgate, Otley, LS21 3AS.


In summary, the application sought to provide late night refreshment:

Sunday – Thursday 23:00 – 00:00

Friday and Saturday 23:00 – 01:00


Representations had been received from Environmental Health in their capacity as a responsible authority. The applicant had since agreed the proposed measures as set out in the report at Appendix C. A representation submitted by West Yorkshire Police and one member of the public remained on the grounds of public nuisance.


In attendance at the meeting were:

-  Kamal Reda, Applicant

-  David Parker, West Yorkshire Police


David Parker was in attendance, on behalf of West Yorkshire Police. He addressed the Sub Committee and explained an agreement had been reached with the applicant prior to the hearing, and the additional conditions to be added to the operating scheduled had been agreed.


The additional conditions proposed are as follows:

·  A suitable CCTV system will be in operation at the premises at all times when it is being used for the provision of licensable activities and/or when members of the public are permitted to be on the premises. The CCTV system will record images to cover all areas of the premises to which the public have access, including any external areas of the premises such as car parks and beer gardens. The CCTV system will be capable of retaining images for a minimum of 31 days, will be of good quality and will contain the correct time and date stamp information. The CTTV system and images will be kept in a secure environment to which members of the public will not be permitted access. At least one member of staff will be on duty at the premises who is capable of operating the system and downloading images recorded by it. These images will downloaded, and provided, on request, to an officer of a responsible authority.

·  The premises licence holder will ensure that an incident Report Register is maintained on the premises to record incidents such as anti-social behaviour, admissions refusals and ejections from the premises. The Incident Report Register will contain consecutively numbered pages, the date time and location of the incident, details of the nature of the incident, the names and registration numbers of any door staff involved or to whom the incident was reported, any staff involved or to whom the incident was reported, the names and numbers of any police officers attending, the police incident and/or crime number, names and addresses of any witnesses and confirmation of whether there is CCTV footage of the incident. The Incident Report Register will be retained for a period of twelve months and produced for inspection immediately in the request of an authorised officer.


In respect of this, and subject to the measures being added, West Yorkshire Police agreed they were happy to withdraw their objection to this application.


Mr Reda was in attendance on behalf of Pizza Torino Ltd and in response to Members questions, he addressed:

·  The opening hours proposed, sought an additional hour during the weekdays, and until 1am on a weekend;

·  Last orders would be at 00:45 on a Friday and Saturday night;

·  The premises mainly received orders for delivery, and very few for collection on a night - reducing noise disruption from vehicles outside of the premises;

·  The premises was surrounded by both residential and business uses;

·  CCTV is currently installed.


The Sub-Committee carefully considered the information submitted, both written and oral, and


RESOLVED – That the application be granted as applied for with the additional conditions as agreed with the responsible authorities.


Supporting documents: