Agenda item

Site Allocations Plan Update

The report of the Chief Officer provides Members with an update on the Site Allocations Plan prior to the Executive Board meeting on 26th June 2019.


(Report attached)


(Appendices to follow)



Further to Minute No. 56 of the meeting held 10th January 2019, the report of the Chief Planning Officer invited the Panel to note the progression of the Site Allocations Plan and invited Development Plan Panel to recommend to Executive Board that: Executive Board note the Inspector’s final report on the Submission Draft 2017 Site Allocations Plan and endorses the Site Allocation Plan.


It was noted that prior to the meeting, Panel Members had received a formal late item including the Executive Board report and its Appendices; Members were also in receipt of a note detailing corrections relating to the Executive Board report and Appendix 1, which were to be taken into consideration by Panel Members.


The Team Leader presented the report and summarised the main points detailed in the Executive Board Report. Members noted the Site Allocations Plan would be considered by Executive Board on 26th June 2019 with a recommendation that Full Council be recommended to adopt the draft Site Allocations Plan (Version for Adoption). 


In response to Members’ comments and concerns, the Panel received further information regarding:


·  Haigh Wood North (HG2-168) and Haigh Wood West (HG2-169). Officers confirmed that these specific sites are in the plan as housing allocations and are not greenbelt sites. In addition, Members requested further information on the history of these sites.

·  Land at Kirkstall Forge, Kirkstall Forge (HG2 – 234). Clarity was sought on why an area within this site had been allocated for housing. Officers explained the site had a capacity of 0 and buildings were not expected to be built on that named area and that site requirements allowed infrastructure and delivery overall. It was confirmed site requirements on ecology would be considered as part of the planning application

·  The Duty to Co-operate and the structured approach between Leeds and Kirklees Council, in particular discussions regarding schools provision and highways issues. In response, Members were informed there is a Duty to Co-Operate Working Group that meets to discuss emerging plan proposals that raise strategic cross boundary matters and further information could be provided in relation to specific plans. Officers made reference to highways assessment work and the infrastructure background paper, and confirmed that such background papers are available online and on the core document list on the Inspector’s website; links can be provided to Members upon request.

·  Officers confirmed that background papers are available online and on the core document list on the Inspector’s website; links can be provided to Members upon request.

·  Members discussed infrastructure provision and noted the intention for briefing sessions to be held with Ward Members and Development Management colleagues, in order to provide information on the proposed infrastructure provision detailed within Site Allocations Plan and how it should be implemented.

·  The housing requirement figure, and clarity on the current amount of greenbelt sites being released against that figure. Members were informed a Newsletter would be produced to provide clarity between the Site Allocations Plan and the emerging Core Strategy Selective Review.

·  In responding to the Council’s current position, it was confirmed that the Main Modifications the Inspector had put forward made the Site Allocations Plan sound and legally compliant; the plan can be afforded significant weight and once adopted on 10th July, it can then be given full weight. The benefit of having a sound and legally compliant Site Allocations Plan in planning decision-making was therefore reinforced to Members, in terms of the weight that can be attributed to it going forward.

·  Officers confirmed that safeguarded sites would be safeguarded from development until beyond the plan period.

·  The weight afforded to site requirements (for instance, as detailed in individual site’s development briefs within the Site Allocations Plan) at a planning application stage is significant.

·  Most sites adjoining the A65 are no longer proposed for allocation. The major site near Horsforth roundabout did have a site requirement for widening the A65 however this site is not now allocated for housing.  For the few remaining allocations (HG2-46 Horsforth Waste Water Treatment Works, HG2-234 extensions to Kirkstall Forge), specific site requirements for road widening have not been applied in the SAP as there are no plans to widen the A65.  The Quality Bus Initiative has been introduced up to Kirkstall Forge. Any future transport improvement schemes would be taken into consideration in the determination of any planning applications affected.

·  Officers explained the Site Allocations Plan takes into account the latest known infrastructure developments and highways plans and that a comprehensive approach would be taken going forward.

The following corrections were highlighted by the Panel and were agreed by Officers to be addressed as follows:


Appendix 2

Site Allocations Plan Adoption Version.  1. Aireborough page 73 Green space site G1086


Amend address to The Oval, Guiseley (not Otley)

Executive Board Report

Table 1 (Page 111): Housing Distribution by Housing Market Characteristic Area (HMCA)

Revise statistics for Outer North East


In addition to the above amendments, and in response to a query on specific sites, officers confirmed that they would check the status of some individual green space sites at the request of Members.


The Chair expressed his thanks to officers, Panel Members and the previous DPP Chair for their contributions and engagement in the process.


RESOLVED- That subject to the incorporation of the ‘corrections’ as submitted to the Panel prior to the meeting and those listed above:-

a)  The contents of the report, including the Executive Board report and its appendices at Appendix 1 (Supplementary Pack) and the related discussions at the meeting, be noted;

b)  The progression of the Site Allocations Plan be noted;

c)  That Executive Board be recommended to endorse adoption of the Site Allocations Plan.


Supporting documents: